Chapter 8

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A/N: okay so Muke is in this chapter but it's gonna be lowkey so you have fun with this lmao, also Taylor Swift in this chapter is the same age as Calum and Michael so she is like 17 in this fanfic.


*Michael's Point of View*

Of course it would be me to get detention with my substitute English teacher, Mr.Hemmings, for saying that I had banged Taylor Swift in front of the whole class. It's not like I didn't, I did and she fúcking loved it. It was great sex too but I guess I'm not allowed to talk about it in front of my teachers..even though I do it all the time...fúcking Mr.Hemmings.

I walked towards the classroom scrolling through Twitter aimlessly. Opening the door I closed my iPhone and slipped it into my back pocket of my black skinny jeans. "Mr.Hemmings." I say, annoyance clear in my voice, walking to my seat.

"Actually Mr.Clifford can you take one of the front seats today," he says, fake smiling at me. "Since there is no one else going to be joining us today." He gets up from the desk and walks over to a desk that's in the front row of the class, smiling he plays with his black lip ring.

I groan standing up, pushing in my seat and grabbing my bag I walk up to the front of the room and just stand there. Mr.Hemmings turns his head like a confused dog at me. "Do I have a specific seat too dude." I say jokingly. Him not finding it funny nodded and pointed to the desk closest to him. "Are you serious?" I ask him amazed by how much he seemed to like to push my buttons.

"Yes I am completely serious Michael." He says, the way he spoke my name sent shivers down my back, 'Michael'. I nodded at him and took the seat he told me to, still groaning at how annoying he has proven to be. "So since you're here and you didn't do your work in class how about we finish that up in here Mr.Clifford?" He says rolling his chair over to the other side of my desk and placing a piece of paper onto my desk.

The paper had my name written on it, in the top left corner. Mr.Hemmings also placed a black pen onto the desk. "Because you said you didn't have a writing utensil in class today." He spoke fake smiling once again. "Now work on 1-25 and I won't those to be done, at least those. If you finish you can go on and do more." He says rolling his chair back to his desk and starts clicking away on the Dell Computer.

I groan in annoyance as I pick up the pencil. Looking at my work for what seems like hours I put down the pencil and look up at Mr.Hemmings. "Can I use the bathroom?" I ask nonchalantly trying to get out of this shít detention.

Mr.Hemmings moves away from the computer and stands up looking at me with a slightly annoyed tone in his bright blue eyes. He walks around the desk I was sitting at putting his hand on my shoulder brushing it against my back, as he passed me. When he got to the door he opened it and waited a few minutes before speaking. "Don't you need to go to the bathroom?" He asks, I nod getting up from my desk and make my way out of the class.

Turning my head slightly, feeling the presence of someone behind me, I see Mr.Hemmings following me. "Why are you following me sir?" I ask, stopping in my tracks. "Isn't this a little weird?"

"Well I need to make sure you don't try and skip out on your detention," he says rolling his eyes. "So therefore I have to make sure you don't bolt when done with the bathroom." Him saying this makes me groan. But I turn on my heels I begin walking towards the bathroom pulling my hair in agony because of how irritating this substitute is.


After detention I began walking towards the front of the school to start getting home. Luckily there is no freak show who has to 'make sure I don't bolt' following me again.

But right when I get to the door I turn my head to see Calum running towards the door..and he seems to be..crying? I've never seen Calum 2.cry. So something must be up with him. I close the door and begin to make my way over to Calum.

"Calum?" I yell out to him, his reaction was him picking up his head from looking at the ground and then running faster to me. "What's wrong Cal?" I ask him as he falls into my arms crying.

"Michael take me home." He cries into me wrapping his arms around me. "Take me home." I pull him up so he was still hugging me he was just a bit higher and I could go into my pocket and pull out my keys. "Take me home Mikey." He cries again this time it's almost a yell.

"Okay Calum, calm down Cal," I say to him patting his back and moving him so I still had one arm wrapped around him but my other arm was now open so I could move it freely. "Let's get you home." I say starting to walk with him pulling him along.

When we finally get to my moms car that I had taken today I opened the backseat door and laid, the still hysterically crying, Calum down and closed the door before getting into the front seat.

"What's wrong Cal?" I stutter not knowing how to act in this situation. I've never seen Calum cry so this is completely new territory for me so I'm going into this blindly. "Tell me Calum."

"H-h-he doesn't even like me," he cries, which this cry being 10x louder than all his other cries. "H-h-he only likes me for my body." He cries more. Calum begins to hit the seat he was laying on yelling on about how this person used him for his body.

When we finally got to Calum's house I pulled him out of the car and brought him upstairs and into his room. "Okay I'll be right back," I tell him, laying him down on his bed. "I'm just gonna call my mum and tell your mum I'm staying at your place." I say before leaving his room.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen that Mrs.Hood currently resides. "Hello Mrs.Hood." I say smiling. He says hello and then asks me what I am doing here. "Well I was wondering if I could sleep over Calum really needs a friend right now and yea." I say.

"Of course Michael, you are always welcome in our home, we love you and your colourful hair." She says smiling and nodding before turning around to making some sort of food dish.

"Thanks Mrs.Hood." I say before walking out of the kitchen and pulling out my phone and dialing my mum's number. The phone rang about 3 times before I hear my mum's voice come up and say hello.

"Hey mom."

"Hey Mikey, what's up?"

"Well I was wondering could I sleep over Calum's tonight?"

"What about-"

"I'll bring the car home tomorrow don't worry."

"Okay than yea sure."

"Thanks mom." That the last thing I said before taking my phone from my ear and hanging up, sure it was a little rude but Calum needs me right now.

I bolt up to Calum's room to see once again a hysterically crying Calum. "Okay tell me the full story on what happened Calum."

He sucked in a full breath and let it out before speaking. "I had sex with Mr.Irwin."

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNNN !! So yes Calum tells Michael about Cashton's sexual interaction.

So yea there was some Muke in this but idk how I'm feeling about it so idk if it's staying or not so don't get your hopes up.

Also there will be hints of cashton here and there but it will all be started by Ashton since Calum is hella sad/pissed at him.

So like I really don't like this chapter and I think it really sucked so I may re-write it because like I said I think it sucked.

guys if you wanna watch some 5sos edits I have a vine account where I make some..not v good but they're okay. And i also revine some nice ones so go follow me on there : whoa calum

So yea.....

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Love you lots !!

Out of My Limit << cashton [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz