Kim Taehyung

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-Hyejin's pov-

Today was my first day going to Big Hit. I put on a little bit of make-up to cover my puffy eyes. Yeah I fell asleep thinking of my parents last night. Moving was 7:44am and I was ready. I started walking to school and suddenly Jimin came in my mind. I was thinking of how skinny he's gotten. I walked in and all eyes looked over to me. I bowed lightly and walked to the office. I introduced myself and got my classes and locker combination. While walking down the halls I noticed all the girls looking one way. I turned and looked over to that direction. There I noticed a group of boys walking down the hall. I was examining them closely then my eyes fixed on Jimin. He had a smirk placed on his face and winked to every girl. They walked passed me and I felt someone's stare. I looked to find who it was. I made eye contact with Jimin and then looked away.

When I entered the class room the teacher came to me and said, "Class we have a new student. Please introduce yourself." I nodded and said, "Annyeong, Lee Hyejin imnida. Please treat me well." I said smiling. They guys were fighting to see who would get to me first. "Annyeong Hyejin. You can sit next to Taehyung. My name's Mrs. Jung if you need anything." She smiled and pointed to Taehyung? I bowed 90 degrees and walk over to my seat. I sat down and focused on the board. I felt someone's stare from a far. I looked around the room and saw Jimin sitting across the room from me. We glanced at eachother for a few seconds then I pulled away. I couldn't face him right now. I just needed him to leave me alone. Mrs. Jung left the room and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked to the right of me and a girl smiled and said, "Annyeong, Minah imnida." I smiled and introduce myself again. She asked to be friends and I agreed. We talked for awhile but the bell rang. "Hyejin, follow me. I'll introduce you to my friends." She said with her famous eye smile. I just laughed and followed her.

"Guys this is Hyejin. My new friend, she's new here treat her well okay!" Minah said.

"Yah what do you think we are? We're always friendly. Welcome to Big Hit's family. How old sre you if I may ask." Minhee asked.

"Thanks, and I'm 17." I said.

"You're so young. We're all 19 except for Rae Min. She's 18. You can call us unnie. I'm Yeri." She said smiling.

I bowed politely. "Unnies I'm sorry I have to go before I'm late." I said. The nodded and I ran off. While running I bumped into someone. I dropped my book and fell. I got up fast and apologized. I picked up my things and continued to run without seeing the persons face. I made it right before the bell rang. After an hour and forty-five minutes school was over. I was walking passed a room and I heard a piano. I entered the room and there was someone playing on the piano on stage. I closed the door quietly and took a seat. He kept playing the same part. "Aish!" I heard him yell in frustration. I walked towards him and walked up the steps. "Ah!" He screamed in a husky voice. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I said.

"Are you the girl who ran into me?" He asked eyeing me.

"Um...I don't know what you're talking about." I replied.

"You know. Running to class because you thought you were going to be late. And I think you sit next to me in class." He said smiling a little.

"Oh yeah that was me..I'm sorry. I was in a rush. And how do you know it was me?" I asked.

"You're new here right? Every new kid here rushes to their class. It's Big Hit, they're layed back. Don't stress to much. I'm Kim Taehyung by the way." He said holding his hand out.

"It's nice to meet you Taehyung, I'm Hyejin." I answered taking his hand. I smiled a bit. "What were you playing just barely? It was really pretty." I said taking my hand back and avoiding his gaze.

"It's a new song I'm working on. Can you write lyrics?" He asked still staring at me.

"I write a little but it has to be good music. Can I hear it?" I asked still avoiding his gaze.

"Um...sure but it's not done yet." He said finally looking away.

"It's okay. Just play, I don't judge to hard." I said making him smile. God his smile was gorgeous. His rectangular smile.

"It doesn't have lyrics yet, that's why I asked you. Could you write lyrics for my song?" He asked with hope filled in his eyes.

"Only if you play." I said taking his offer.

He started playing the melody and I took out a pencil and paper and began writing. I was writing when he stopped playing and looked over my shoulder. I stopped writing and looked at him. I turned my head and felt my lips touch his cheek. I turned bright red and so did he. "I'm sorry..." he just nodded and said, It's okay...lyrics?"

"Why did you stop playing" I asked standing up.

"Told you it's not finished. I can't finish it. I can't find the right note to play." He said looking down.

I took a seat next to him and had him play me the song. When he got to that part I started playing around with the notes trying to find the right one. I played a tune I've been working on myself. "Wait Hyejin...that matches with my song. I'll play first and you finish it okay?" He said.

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