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Can I cry now?!?! Over 1000 reads??!?! I'm soo happy!!! Thank you to all of my pack members and my faithful readers!!! I love you guys so much! Really I do!!!
sociopathic_fun is our newest pack member!!! Glad to have ya! Don't howl too much ;)
                          Training is like getting your teeth pulled at the dentist without anything to numb your mouth. It is the third day of training and my partner is, sadly, still Wilson. I am just so sick of Tom being such a male chauvinistic pig. But I have been training really hard outside of the sessions I have with Tom lately. I can't wait to prove Tom wrong. Women are just as good as men.

"You're back?" Wilson mocks, "I really hate to make you look so pathetic everyday. Although, it doesn't really take much now does it?" Oh momma can I slap him now?!

"Listen up!" Tom begins. Everyone's attention snaps to him instantly and all talk stops. He then proceeds to tell us that we will be focusing on punching, kicking, and blocking. Once he is done explaining to us the various maneuvers, we begin to fight our partners. Blade looks over at me with a sympathetic look on his face. Oh just you wait. I turn to face Wilson and he smirks at me and throws a punch. The first punch which I block and I kick his legs out from underneath him and then I smile sweetly and offer him my hand.

"Oh sorry, were you not ready?" I quip. He scowls at me and pushes himself up completely ignoring my hand. I step back and we circle each other. I throw a punch and he blocks it and tries to kick my legs from under me but I block him and scissor kick his face which brings him down immediately. I notice people have stopped training and circled around us in awe. Yeah, that's right, princess has got skills. Tom comes by and looks over the situation thoroughly.

"Seriously Wilson? You let a girl beat you? Back up Wilson. Princess, it's just you and me." He rolls up his imaginary sleeves and motions for me to make the first move. I analyze his stance and make out the weak points and listen to his conscience to  see what he is or isn't prepared for. I finally make the first move and kick him in the shin then I start throwing punches and flip him over so he is laying face down on the ground. I pin him down.

"Seriously Tom? You let a girl beat you? Tsk tsk tsk." I let him get up and smile sweetly. "Now what was it you were saying about men being better at fighting than women?" I mock him to milk his embarrassing moment. He gets up and scowls at me.

"Everyone back to practicing!!" He yells out of anger. Everyone walks away but Blade stays by me.

"Wilson, let's switch partners." Blade demands. Wilson just waves him away and walks to his new partner. "That was hilarious."

"I know. Did you see his face when he went down?! He looked like he was about to cry from embarrassment!" We laugh together. His cellphone suddenly rings.

"Hello?" He says in his alpha voice. "OK, we'll be right there." He ends the call and looks at me.

"What's going on?"

"The witches are here. They want to speak with us." He takes my hand and I confusedly walk along side him. We make to his office and I notice three women sitting in the chairs opposite of Blades chair at his desk. He sits down and pats his lap and I sit on it.

"Good morning Alpha Blade. It's nice to see you again."
"I wish I could say the same to you Celeste." My eyebrows come together at his hostility. I must be missing something. Celeste ignores his comment and continues.

"These are my right hand women, Keita and Lilac."

"Why have you come?"

"I believe you have heard of the apparent war that will be coming I assume?" He nods his head and she continues. "Well, we would like to join your side."

The Alpha's Kidnapped "Mate"Where stories live. Discover now