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Bag – Abhi The Nomad, Charlie Curtis-Beard ♩ ♪ ♫


After spending a few days at Parrish's house, I say my goodbyes to Robbie and Oliver. It was a refreshing few days, I missed Oliver and it's been nice seeing Robert happy. He's been happy here. For some reason even Gage makes him happy. No one can make Robbie crack up the way Gage does. I stomp Gage's — the evil gremlin's — toe, and then call it a day. He was pretending to honk my left tit when I was brushing my teeth earlier, defenseless, so I had to.

It's almost six o'clock at night, and the seventh day of the week. I don't tell Parrish where I'm going. I just tell him it's time for me to go. I've enjoyed his time immensely, and honestly, a big part of me wants to ask him to go with me.

Robbie has decided to stick around Oliver and Parrish's apartment for a little while. The only reason I'm uneasy about it is because Parrish lives there. I just tell him I'm okay, so he'll stop staring at me with a serious expression, because Robbie's serious expressions are hardcore, and make me feel uncomfortable. I can't talk about my feelings about Parrish with Robbie, not at all. They're still too new to me. It's odd how both of my brothers are fatherly towards me but it's also normal for me. I've never had a dad; they've been the only men in my life.

Oliver is still a lovely human-being. He sang to me his latest project, and the lyrics truthfully beautify his voice, and the quality of the overall song. He told me I never disappoint, and I grinned because I really have missed Oliver.

I learned that they temporarily replaced Robbie with a chick. Her name is Marina, and Oliver has been hooking up with her. He told me she used to be a groupie, but she's good at what she does. His statement confused me, so I had to ask him, "She's good at the sex, or she's a good drummer?"

He had laughed and said both.

I'm interested in finding out their after-effect. Or should I say Calling Jacks' after-effect. Robbie is back in the mix, I'm thinking. The band will bring him back to life: I feel it in my heart.

Parrish walks me outside after the tenth time of me saying, "I should go."

He defiantly obeyed me this time.

He can't keep his hands off me. I love that he can't keep his hands off me — and I love that I'm the only one.

I admit I'm being a selfish little bitch for not expressing myself in the ways I should with him. But I don't want to lose my luck streak by giving it up — by loving a man instead. Because my supposed feelings for Parrish might turn to shit one day, and I'd be completely screwed if that happened.

I'm looking for a loophole and thinking strongly that if he'll fall for Vegas too, it'll be okay for me to love him.

I just really wish he could go to the casino with the pact.

But he must go by himself. I can't push him to do what I want him to do.

His hands travel to my ass as soon as we step behind the closed door of his apartment. I smirk.

"I really don't want you to go."

"I need to go," I kiss his lips slowly as my hands rest on his shoulders.

"Can I go with you? Wherever you're going," he speaks.

I think about that for a moment but decide against my thoughts. I do want him to go, though.

"I don't think that'd be a good idea."



In Between Times (Complete Novel, Mastered May 12th, 2022)Where stories live. Discover now