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After a couple of hours sitting here, continuing a conversation with Robert, Gage, and Oliver — I ask them, "How was the surprise?"

Gage grins as Oliver bites his lip. Robert taps his knee.

"We decided against it, because Robbie didn't want to make a mistake," Oliver pauses as Gage holds up a finger. "Yeah, his love-bug works there."

"Shut the fuck up, Gage," Robert eyes him carefully.

"The moment he saw the back of her pretty blonde head, it was game over," Gage continues.

Robert tilts his head back against the couch, his hand running over his face in embarrassment.

Oliver throws a hand through his curly black hair. "It wasn't a big deal, I understand that he wasn't comfortable," he says to me, then turns to Robert, "I understand that you weren't comfortable."

"I'm a pussy," Robert mutters.

"I don't disagree with that," Gage points. "I was excited about going up to her table."

"We weren't going up to her table, asshole," Robert growls in annoyance.

Gage is thrilled about the rise he's getting out of Robert. "But that would have been entertaining as hell if we did," he smirks.

"Time out," Oliver glares at Gage for a moment before sighing. He suddenly punches him in the shoulder. Gage punches him back, but not as forceful.

"I'm entitled to my own opinion, dammit," Gage smiles. "You wanna go, Parrish? Let's gather these assholes in my Prius, because I'd love to go. Don't you wanna go, Robbie?"

Robert pauses before throwing a pillow at Gage. Gage catches it as Robert exhales through his nose.

"You know what? Fine, I'll go. But we're not sitting at her table."

"We're not sitting at her table," Oliver repeats, his eyes drawn to the side of Gage's face.

As an evil grin starts taking over his features, Oliver pinches the inside of his elbow.

"Ah, okay! Alright, let's go." Gage throws the pillow on the floor, and Oliver distinctively picks it up and places it on the couch after Robert stands to his feet.

I'm the last person to stand, and before I have the chance to say anything, they're already walking towards the door. I just follow them outside.

"Is there enough room for four people?" Oliver asks.

"My Prius has four seats man, of course there's enough room," Gage responds.

"There is just something off about four guy's riding around in a Prius together," Robert states.

"It's red," Gage winks.

"That doesn't make it less weird, dumbass." Robert nudges his arm, his expression now filled with amusement.

When we make it down the stairs, I then see exactly how small his car is. I scratch my head as I come to a halt.

"Okay, um... quick question," I start, and they all turn to glance at me as they stop closer to the car. "Why do you have a Prius?"

Gage laughs. "My Gaminator gave it to me," he answers. "But I actually really like the thing, despite it being small."

I guess his Gaminator is his grandma?

In Between Times (Complete Novel, Mastered May 12th, 2022)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ