Xerxes and Dusk, Pt 2

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Xerxes and Dusk were running out of room to retreat, and as the man had raised his hand, the malice drew in even faster. As it was about to make contact with Xerxes, a sudden boom sounded behind them, causing the malice to retract. As Dusk and Xerxes turned, they found the world itself had disappeared into a purple void, slowly ripping the ground out from underneath them. They tried to withdraw from the emptiness, but a deep force commanded them to stay put. A current of air started to pull the two in with greater force than before, heading into the void. Marquis de Magus looked in shock, wondering what force could possibly be causing this; However, not exactly wanting to find out, he raised his staff and created a teal orb around himself. The next second, he instantly vanished, leaving behind a small circle of dust where he stood and leaving the two to their dooms.

The void grew and grew while Xerxes and Dusk held their ground. It ended up consuming the two, the purple void eventually annihilating the world around them. There was a silence for what seems like an eternity, leaving Xerxes and Dusk to float in the void of nothingness. Then, a voice boomed. "I ask a favor of you."

The presence was immense, almost consuming the two. Nothing was visible at any distance, save a few rocks floating around. The voice spoke again, echoing in the vacuum of nothing, "I have saved your lives, you cannot deny that. Is that understood?"

Xerxes spoke, "What? Who are you? What did you do? Are we dead?"

There was silence. Then, out of nowhere, "I wish the successful completion of the Equilibrium. Can I trust that you will dedicate yourselves to completing the device?"

Dusk and Xerxes looked to one another before Xerxes said, "I'm sorry, but I never even wanted to join this war or whatever. I just thought, hey, maybe Eros would be a fun guy to go fight with and stuff. I can't say I'll be giving my life to the Equilibrium."

The voice spoke, "That is fine. I cannot blame you for your choice. What does Dusk have to say?"

Dusk looked around and said, "I do not know how I could ever possibly change a thing, if I were to have to face a man like Marquis de Magus."

"Do not worry. All I need is your desire."

"... I will."

An almost eerie smile came from the void, and as a sunspace rip opened before them, Giratina himself appeared before the two. "Then I will send you back into the world. You must serve me from now on, Dusk. In turn, I grant you my blessing." As Giratina said this, a scarab depicting Giratina appeared in front of Dusk. He grabbed it tightly and held it close behind his back. "That amulet will allow me to communicate with you. As long as you follow my word and prove your obedience, I will... Intervene, if I deem it necessary."

Dusk fiddled with his amulet before asking, "Why do you want Equilibrium to be restored so badly?"

A booming voice played once more, "Some will benefit greatly from a leveled playing field. You just need to know that I'm the reason you're still alive. Is that understood?"

Both nodded with grim faces, aware that only by a miracle had they survived what was Blight, and the menacing threat of the old mage who is no other than Marquis de Magus.

The two heard a loud clap echoing through the void. A fraction of a second they found themselves in the same crypt as before, damage from the spell still evident in the stonework. The wire frame and Humanity Stone were but mere rubbish now, dust and rust simply resting on the ground. Xerxes tried to grab a handful, but she found it simply turned into a finer dust as she ran her hands through. "I can't believe he wants us dead too. We've really got our work cut out for us, don't we?"

Dusk looked at the pendant in his hands, thinking of what this new alliance with Giratina could possibly mean. "What happened?"

A voice spoke inside Dusk's head, "You are now bound to me, vassal. I have given you life; I only request that you restore the Equilibrium. I am a patron of power for you, for now..." As the last words came out, Dusk felt a dark, comforting presence surround him.

The two quickly made their ways out of the museum and onto another rooftop, scared to death from the experience they just suffered. As they sat on the roof, they spoke amongst each other, relaying the terrible experience again to assure this was no delusion. Xerxes said, "So this started as a normal museum robbery."

Dusk frantically remembered the next part, "And then we took out a Luxray and human, right? No problem."

"And we made our way in there and nothing stopped us. Lucky, if I do say so myself."

"And then we made our way to the stairs- no problem."

"But then it turned into a crypt? A dungeon? A labyrinth?"

"Yes, but it never branched. It was just..."

"Strait. And the humanity stone was right there. Unprotected."

"Odd. But hey, they didn't know what it was. Probably thought it was a pretty rock. Okay, that was still normal."

"But then, a wizard comes and destroys the place? Even the Humanity Stone turned to dust! How!?!"

"And then... Giratina saved us and gave me this amulet?"

"And that wizard disappeared." Yes, they both had the same story. Neither of them made it up. "Well... First Keldeo, now Marquis de Magus. Who else wants us dead?"

"Let's hope no one else."

Both took a while to calm down and decided to look about the city a bit. The lights were all the more beautiful now that their mission was over. Xerxes looked over slowly at Dusk, saying, "Well. It looks like we have three weeks left. Now what?"

"Well, I'm not eager to return empty handed. What can a guy and a girl do for three weeks with nobody around?"

"Smooth, Dusk. How about no?"

"Well, what do you think we should do?"

"I don't know." The two looked towards the sunrise, creating an orange and red sky, overpowering the yellow stench of the city lights. As they watched, they heard an announcer below, announcing in a cheerful voice, "HELLO, CITIZENS OF PURPURISSIA! Are you ready for the fourth bi-annual Morono week long MUSIC FESTIVAL?! 7 days and nights of nonstop music!"

Xerxes turned to Dusk and said, "I know what we can do."

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