And She Woke Me From My Sleep...

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Micky was behind the counter of his store. It was getting late. He would probably close up soon and go to the saloon for a few beers. Maybe Peter would be back by then.
A thin lady walked into the store with a child walking beside her holding her hand. Her skin was dark brown and her hair was black and pulled back in a small, tight bun. Her clothing was homemade with a slightly greying pink fabric; it had a few patches over place it had been torn and it looked old. The child beside her had much lighter skin. His clothing was a few sizes to small, like the mother hadn't been able to get him new clothing in a long time.
"Can I buy a few yards of fabric, sir?" The woman asked. Her voice was soft. She said 'sir' like 'suh'.
Micky walked out from behind the counter and pointed her to the fabric. "What color do you want?" He asked.
"Whatever is the cheapest, sir," She said.
Micky pointed at a few fabrics. "These are all the same and lowest price," He said.
The woman touched one that was a pretty red color. "Will this fabric make good shirts, sir?" She asked.
Micky shrugged. "The fabric is pretty light. The green fabric would be better," He said. "It's the same price."
The woman touched the green fabric. She looked down at her son. "Do you like this?" She asked.
The little boy's free hand touched the fabric and he broke out in a large smile. He babbled something that Micky didn't understand. The woman nodded her head. "I'll buy this, sir," She said.
Micky took the roll of fabric down and walked to the counter. "How much do you want?" He asked pulling a pair of scissors out from behind the counter.
"Two yards, sir," The woman said.
Micky cut two yards of the fabric off the roll. He was very lenient with the fabric and gave her more than two yards. He handed her the fabric then handed the little boy a piece of hard candy. The little boy took it and ate it.
"That'll be ten cents," Micky said.
The woman looked in her pockets and drew out a small coin. She put it on the counter and Micky flashed her a smile. She returned it, though nervously. She walked out with her son.
Micky frowned. He looked out the window. It really was very late. He decided to close up shop and go to the saloon. Davy was already at the saloon drinking from a bottle of whiskey he bought. Mike had left earlier. Davy didn't know where he had gone.
Micky sat down beside him. Calphurnia saw Micky enter and walked over to him. She took the seat beside him.
"Is Peter back yet?" Micky asked Davy.
Davy shook his head. He took a drink of his whiskey.
"Did the deputy ask Link to find him?" Micky asked.
Davy nodded. He was starring into his glass. It had been almost twelve hours since Link left. The saloon would have to close soon. Davy was too worried to sleep. He didn't want to have to go back to the hotel. He just wanted something to sooth his nerves and make him stop worrying so much.
Micky heard voices outside the saloon. He looked over at the door. Vincent and Link walked in. They walked over to the table that Micky and Davy and Calphurnia were sitting at. Vincent pulled up a chair and sat down. He stretched his leg out. Link took the remaining seat.
Link looked between Micky and Davy for a moment. He had to pick his words carefully otherwise he might hurt one or both of them. He opened his mouth to say something, but then decided against it. He thought a little more about the words.
"Peter's not coming back."
Davy and Micky and Calphurnia all turned to look at Vincent in surprise. "What do you mean Peter isn't coming back?" Calphurnia asked.
Link's brow furrowed.
"Well, you all knew he liked Aponi," Vincent said.
Micky and Davy nodded. Calphurnia smiled slightly. She knew what Vincent meant.
"Well, he liked her so much he wanted to stay with her," Vincent said shrugging.
"He's staying with redskins?" Micky said surprised.
Link shot Micky a dirty look that Micky didn't notice. Vincent glanced over at Link to gauge how he reacted to Micky's words. He decided that Link probably wasn't going to do anything to Micky.
"You're marrying Calphurnia," Vincent said.
Calphurnia looked down at her dress for a moment to hide her embarrassment. Micky glared at Vincent for a moment.
"That's different. Calphurnia's my kind... A white man and a redskin... It just ain't natural," Micky said.
"My parents found it natural enough," Link said slamming his fist on the table angrily.
Micky looked over at Link and realized his mistake. "Gee, I didn't mean it like that. I..." Micky said trying to take back his words.
Link cocked his head. "Oh, how did you mean it?" He asked. "I suppose you meant that Peter can't be with an Indian because he's a respectable white man."
Micky looked down at his lap. Davy had been silent this whole time. He couldn't find the words he wanted to say. He was just so shocked that Peter wasn't coming back. Davy reached for his whiskey bottle without really looking. He knocked it over and it spilled all over the table. Calphurnia stood up to get a towel to clean up the mess. Davy stood up and walked out of the saloon without another word.
Vincent watched Davy leave. Micky was still looking at his lap, and Link only glanced over for a second. Vincent stood up and followed Davy out of the saloon. Link went with him, mainly to get away from Micky.
Vincent caught up with Davy near the hotel. "You okay?" Vincent asked.
Davy shrugged. He felt a little weird. He and Peter had been through so much together. Now Peter was gone someplace that Davy couldn't go.
Davy knew so little about them. They were a people that he had only heard of in tales of massacre and war. Aponi had been the closest he had ever gotten to one, and even she wasn't very close to him.
How could Peter do this?
"I guess," Davy replied numbly.
Vincent could Davy wasn't alright, but he couldn't bring himself to pry. Vincent patted Davy's shoulder. "He'll be fine there," He said.
Davy nodded and continued on to the hotel. Vincent turned to Link and shrugged. They walked back to the sheriff's office. "I wonder if Johnny won my checkers match," Link commented. "I was winning before I left."

(Yeah, I'm back. I don't know what happened with the beginning part, I was going somewhere with it then I forgot where I was going. I didn't delete it cuz I thought I might remember where I was going with it. I guess this chapter is pretty much a filler. Next chapter will be better, I hope. Also. Something I want to mention in case you haven't heard. Yvonne Craig passed away on August the 17th [2015]. I just found out yesterday [August 20, 2015]. I grew up on Batman so this is sorta a shock to me. She was such a talented actress and she was absolutely gorgeous. It really is a huge loss.
I hope she rests in peace ~ Adde Away)

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