XI; I'm going to kiss you and I hope you don't hit me

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After leaving the coffee shop in a rush, the pair of concerned, fumbling adults made their way to Phil's apartment. Both of them wanted to talk to each other, and said no words on the way to his apartment. The minute they walked through the door, Phil spun to look at Dan. 

"Neither of us have even stated they were gay." Phil said stiffly, and Dan reached to tug his flower crown off his head, looking at the fake flowers. "I am." Dan said softly, and Phil shrugged. His blue eyes seemed like venom for a moment, and he rubbed his hands together. "So am I, Dan. But we never discussed this, and suddenly I have a tattoo of you on my back and I made you breakfast." He stressed and the brunette cleared his throat.

"Do you have any romantic feelings for me?" He asked, his eyes flickering up to Phil's. "Is that really a way to ask if I like you?" Phil replied shortly, and he closed his eyes for a moment. "Yes, I do." He added. Dan inhaled sharply, and he could feel a pink tint on his cheeks. "Seriously?" He seemed slightly surprised, and Phil opened his eyes to meet Dan's.

"Yes, seriously." This whole situation was unbelievable, and Dan turned away for a moment to face the door. He placed his flower crown on the table next to him, and took a breath. "Phil, I.." He could feel his heart beating, and it almost felt like the night he had met Phil, under the light of the city. "I'm going to kiss you, don't hit me.." He said, and pulled Phil's lips to his.

It was awkward, and frankly, neither of them expected anything more. But even with the fact Phil had waved his hands awkwardly and Dan was blushing to the point he could have exploded, it still felt amazing. 

Phil pulled back first to look at him, and he couldn't help the smile on his lips. "You just-And..." He couldn't seem to form a coherent sentence, so Dan decided to take advantage of the situation and reattach their lips. To say that this was a happy ending was an understatement, but the fact was, their story wasn't close to ending. It had just begun.

This time, Phil was blushing as he pulled back, and shoved his hands in his pockets, while Dan reached for his flower crown and put it back atop his hair. "So, now I guess we just have to get hitched and adopt Antonio, right?" He joked, and Phil widened his eyes, stifling a laugh.

"Maybe we should watch something. Attack On Titan sound good?" Phil suggested, and the two of them, blushing, sat down on the couch.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (QUICK LITTLE THINGY)

Phil cleared his throat as they finished the episode. "Let's go on a date." He said, and Dan nearly spit out the coffee he was drinking. "What?" He coughed, and set it down on the table. "A date, let's go on a date. Please?" He leaned in, "We can decide if we want to do this, if we want to.. You know..." Dan raised his eyebrows, and finally nodded, snuggling up to him. "Date, perfect. Let's go on a date." 

"Tomorrow night? You have work tomorrow." "Shit. Work."

So, you could say that would be the end of fighting for them, but you can't lie to yourself, can you? 

Even though they were happy now, didn't mean it would stay. After all, they were both messes, and that was one of the things they seemed to love in each other. The messiness of their lives that seemed to connect. 

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