Chapter 31

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"Everyone, please remain calm and head to the gym! There is a large storm heading this way. Please do not be alarmed, it may very likely be nothing. Please make your way as quickly as possible to the gym!" Ms. Wren's voice boomed across the campus. I had just returned from her office and had met up with Ben where I had left him. He still stood, eyeing the storm, his brow creased.

"This looks bad. Like, hurricane bad. I don't see a speck of blue over there anymore. And it's moving really fast." He said, not turning his head. I chewed my lip. I didn't know much about storms, but I knew he was right to say this one looked bad. The cloud blotted out any sky all the way to the horizon and beyond, instead blocking out the sun in a blanket of blackness.

"We need to go. Everyone's supposed to head to the gym. That thing will reach the island soon." He nodded and turned to face me. His eyes were filled with concern, several shades darker than their already deep brown. Fudge! When had I memorized the color of his eyes? I mentally scolded myself. I couldn't fall for him- it was too dangerous, for me, him, and everyone else. If the Puppeteer used him as leverage because he knew I had feelings for him, I would go to protect him, and the whole world could suffer for it. My powers were more awesome than the typical- by a lot. My powers could make or break the world, and if forsaking love was what it took to choose make over break, then that's what I'd do.

"Ella? Come on let's go! It's starting to rain!" And sure enough, as Ben snapped me out of my thoughts, the first drops started to fall. Slowly, in small drops at first, but soon they fell faster, harder, as we sprinted for the cover of the gym.

By the time we reached said gym, we were completely soaked. Inside, everyone in the Haven- student, Staff, or anything else- stood huddled and shivering from the wet clothes they wore. Most were grouping up with there friends, guessing on what kind of storm would force the whole school into a single building- even if we did fit comfortably. Some speculated it was a fear of lightening- others believed it was a crazed super villain set on destroying the school and all the future heroes inside.

I looked around for Anita, praying she had made it in before the wind and rain got too strong. I finally spotted her in the corner, holding a very wet Violet, both sets of purple eyes shinning with worry. I tugged Bens sleeve and walked over to join her.

"Oh thank god! I was so worried... They said it might be a hurricane! Do you think the school can handle this level of storm? I mean, the structure..." She trailed off as the structure creaked around us. I sighed and balled my hands in my hair, frustrated, then leaned against the nearby wall and sank down onto the floor. Anita was right. The structure was strong, no doubt, but could it withstand a hurricane?

Nearby, Coach Clair and Ms. Wren stood in a serious conversation. Though it was hard to hear over the sound of the students, a few words stuck out: hurricane... Category five... Windows falling in...

"Ella!" I looked around to find the source of the voice calling my name. Neither Anita nor Ben were looking at me, and all the students surrounding us seemed engaged in there own worried. Had I imagined it?

"ELLA!" The voice came again, more urgently this time. Definitely real- not just me. But who was talking to me?

"Who's there? I said into the noise of the crowd. No one was even looking in my general direction.

"Stop looking around like an idiot. You can't see me right now, I'm not in a definite form- not enough room. It's me, Cammie!" I raised my eyebrows in surprise. My dead sister hadn't tried to contact me since the first time she had revealed herself to me, along with the fact that someone was after me- and they were closer than I thought.

"Cammie? What's up? Where have to been?" I asked, wishing I had a point to speak to. Instead I simply stared out into the crowd and let my words get lost in the conversations of my peers.

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