Chapter 20

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I walked up to the usual lunch table the next day, shocked to find not one, but two people sitting there. Anita and Ben were chatting about out latest Enemies and Allies assignment.

I sat down next to Ben, facing Anita. They turned to face me, smiling.

"Hey Ells. They're getting ready to announce the theme for the dance. I hope it's nothing stupid, like a beach theme. Who would go the the beach in the middle if winter?" Anita wasted no time talking about the dance. It was only a week away and the whole school was excited. Mr. Estel was going to announce what the theme would be today at lunch, and would ask whoever came up with it to come help with the planning.

The school was even allowing a field trip to Macy's for everyone to get an outfit for the dance- it would be our only one for the year. There were only two students who wouldn't be going, and only because no guardian had signed a permission slip for field trips before the year started: me and Ben. I intended to get as much information out of him as possible about my past while the rest if the school was gone. Whenever other people were around, it was a little difficult to talk about my past without them overhearing.

I grew a banana in my hand, put it down on the table, and then grew an apple. There was something to be said for being a vegetarian who could grow fruits and vegetables in their hand. The three of us ate in silence, trying to get all of our food down before we were told the theme. Ben laughed as I scarfed down my banana, saying,"Maybe I should call you monkey instead of elephant!"

"Oh great," I retorted sarcastically, "instead of being giant and wrinkly, I can have a fifth limb and eat the bugs that inhabit my skin." He simply laughed. I shot him a glare as the room quieted. Mr. Estel's bald head could be seen above those of all the anxious teens.

"Attention students," he said, his voice barely audible over the few groups of students who were still engaged in a conversation, "We have selected the theme for the upcoming dance. Before I announce the winner," He paused as the students groaned, anxious to hear the theme, "I should tell you that while we reviewed every suggestion in the box, very few were serious suggestions. So while we may not be going for the toddler theme with clowns and face paint, we will be going with the winter wonderland theme, suggested by miss Ella."

I smiled, proud to have suggested the winning theme. I knew I was the Ella he was talking about because anyone else would have their first and last name called out. Among faculty, I was 'miss Ella'. Why they were so formal, I had no clue.

"Please come to the office tomorrow furring your free time to plan the dance. As for the rest of you, the field trip, more like shopping trip, will be on Friday. Dress nicer than normal, but not in evening gowns and suits. If you have any questions about what is appropriate while on the trip, Coach Clair and myself will be there to answer any questions you may have."

He nodded once, as if to confirm everything he had said. Then he marched through the doors and headed back to the office.

I turned to Anita, the only one out of the three of us that would be going on the field trip, and said,"If you find anything for me, would you mind..." I trailed off, knowing that it wouldn't be a problem for her to grab something extra. The school would be covering the purchases made on the shopping trip, and anyone staying at the school could ask someone to get something for them.

She nodded, grinning. "Don't worry, Im a boss when it comes to fashion. You'll have something cute to wear." I was glad she knew what she was doing. When it came to fashion, I was blind as a bat. Everyday I wore a different pair of ripped jeans, a tank top, and a black leather jacket. That was about as far as my closet went.

I turned to Ben, and asked,"Is your roommate getting some thing for you?" He never talked about his roommate, so I assumed they weren't close.

He shook his head saying, "I don't have a roommate. Because I enrolled late, they had already paired everyone up, so I got a room all to myself." I scowled at him teasingly.

"And boys complain that girls take up so much space. This boy needs his own room!" We all laughed as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"Bye guys!" I said as I headed to the practice room to train with Ms. Wren. Anita and Ben would head to the art room until I finished, then would head to the music room with me.

Ben's face hardened, as he said, "No. Not goodbye, just see you later." Anita and I looked at him like he was crazy. He turned around and quickly left the cafeteria. I shrugged, smiled quickly at Anita, and headed down the hall.


Sorry guys I know its bad and I'm slow at updates but please forgive me! I'll bribe you! *hands out chocolate as a bribe*

Okay, so I was wondering if any of you could help me out. I have no experience planning parties, so if you have an idea for something at the dance, please let me know. Here's what you'd need to keep in mind:

Ella would be able to use all her powers to set up the dance.

It would take place in the gym.

It has to have some kind o winter theme to it.


Thanks so much to those who are still reading (All sixteen of you). I want to dedicate a chapter to each of you, but I don't know your usernames. 😞

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