She began to drink it. She drank it until the bowl was empty. I opened the can of dogfood and poured it into the bowl. She scarfed that down as well.

I picked her up carefully and put her back in the car.

I got back in the car as well and began to drive to Richard's.


I got to Richard's, the puppy was fast asleep.

I shut off my car and got out. I walked to the side that the puppy was on and carefully picked her up.

I carried her with me to Richard's front door.

She's so little and boney. I hope I can keep her, so that I know that she'll be taken care of.

I rang the doorbell.

A few moments later, Richard opened the door. He was only in his boxers, he reeked of alcohol and his eyes were puffy.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I wanted to apologize" I said.

"For what? There's nothing for you to apologize for" he said bluntly.

"I wanted to say sorry for running out on you, I just panicked. I just got out of a relationship, I don't want to jump into another one" I explained.

"You didn't think that when Ryan got down your pants when we broke up" he said.

"I was only with him to get you to leave me alone! Then I actually got feelings for him!" I snapped.

"Well... You didn't have to lie to me, that makes you as bad as I am, you could have said 'no, Richard, I don't want to take you back' and slammed the door in my face" he said.

"I panicked" I said.

"If you weren't really dating Ryan, how did you two end up together?" He asked.

"I told him and he suggested that we date" I said.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Do you really still love me?" He asked.

"To be completely honest, yeah. You were the first guy that I actually fell in love with, I will always love you. But right now, I'm still in love with you. Maybe we can have a relationship again in the future, but right now, I need to have a break from relationships" I told him.

He grinned and let me in.

"So there might be an us again?" He asked as we sat down on his couch.

"Maybe. Don't get your hopes up if there isn't, though" I told him.

"O-okay. Who's this little guy?" He asked, referring to the puppy.

"She's a puppy I found when I filled up my car with gas. I felt bad for her and gave her food and water and put her in my car, so she could cool off. I want to keep her, but I don't know if I can because I don't know if Ryan-Ashley and Josh will let another dog in the house, let alone a puppy because I don't want her to tear stuff up" I said.

"I'll let her stay here while I'm on break from tour, gives you all the more reason to come over" he winked. I giggled.

"You would really do that for me? But you're a cat person" I asked.

"Anything for you" he said softly, stroking my hand with his thumb.

"What should we name her?" I asked.

"You want me to help name her?" He asked.

"Well, she is gonna be living with you, so she's technically our dog" I rellied.

"How does Sandy sound?" He asked. She's the color of sand at the beach and has beautiful green eyes.

"I like it" I said.

"It's like we're naming a child" he said.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've had to name a kid" I said. He looked at me confused. Did I say that out loud?

"You've had to name a kid before?" He asked.

"I've been pregnant twice, Richard. Both were miscarriages. I was pregnant when I was sixteen and I was pregnant when I was nineteen" I told him.

"We started talking when you were nineteen" he said.

"I started talking to you a little bit after I lost the baby. I was pregnant with your ex-bandmate's child" I said.

"Which one?" He asked.

"TJ, I hooked up with him before I moved, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. Then when I tried to tell him that I was going to be having his child, he didn't answer me and we just stopped talking" I told him.

"So in the events leading up to us meeting, we could have already met because you were dating my ex-bandmate?" He said.

"We could have, but everything happens for a reason" I said.

"True, as much as I hate that, it's true" he said sadly. I gave him a hug and cuddled into him.

I wish we never broke up...

Catfish (Ricky Horror)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant