Twenty One - Relentless

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I sit up with a sigh. "Cara, wake up," I shake the girl next to me.

She snuggles into my side. "I don't wanna," she whimpers.

I groan, standing up. I walk downstairs into the kitchen. I grab my phone from the charge to see two messages. One from Rydel and one from Lynn.

How are you, baby bro? It's been a while since anyone's heard from you. :'( -Rydel

I sigh, typing back.

I'm good. I feel like you guys will hate me for dating Cara so I'm distancing. -Ross

I open up the message from Lynn.

The twins are asking to see you. Is it okay if I drop them off around noon tomorrow? -Lynn

I glance at the clock to see its only 9:37 a.m.

Yeah, that's fine. I miss Romeo too. Is he coming or Is he with Maya again? -Ross

You have to ask him. He's still asleep. She slept over last night b/c it was their six month anniversary. -Lynn

A tear slide down my cheek. I haven't seen Romeo in three weeks. He was my first born and now it feels like he doesn't even like me.

Are you coming over today? -dad

I click the send button before getting another message from Delly.

We don't hate you, Ross. We just want you know that.. We don't necessarily like her. Btw you're coming to Riker's wedding right? -rydel

Of course. -Ross

Yeah, I haven't seen you in so long. -Romeo

I set my phone on the counter after reading my sons text. I smile to myself as I make myself some coffee. "Hey," Cara yawns.

"My kids are coming at noon," I inform her.

Her arms go around my waist. "You miss her," she states.

I shrug. "Of course I miss her, babe. We were together for 19 years. But I'm not sure if I miss her or if I feel bad for what I did to her." My phone goes off again.

Can I bring Maya? It's okay if I can't... -Romeo

Yeah, that's fine. Is Caitlyn coming too? -dad

Awesome! Thanks dad! And yes she is! I think she misses you too. She won't stop crying sometimes. :( -Romeo

I chuckle to myself. "Do you want me to leave?" My girlfriend asks as I nuzzle my face into her neck.

"No baby. I want you to stay."

But You Promised (Wattys2015) (Just write it)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora