Five - "Her Eyes Fluttered At Me"

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Romeo ~ seven months later

My baby girl- Caitlyn- has been home for two weeks now. Uncle Rocky and Aunt Valeria help me take care of her a lot. They're always over, trying to cheer up the family.

Sky hasn't been doing as well as I have. She's younger and more fragile than me. I try to help as much as I can, but I am also weak.

"R-Romeo?" Skylar stammers just as I was about to go to the kitchen.

I turn to face her. "Hey, Sky. Are you hungry?" I sit next to her, with Caitlyn in my arms.

She shakes her head slowly. "No, but thank you. Can you get dad? I feel like I'm about to faint," she murmurs.

I set Caitlyn in her cradle before walking to the kitchen. "Mom, dad," I capture their attention. "She's about to faint," I whisper.

Mom's eyes fill with tears as her and dad rush to Sky. Everyone piles into the car- except the baby, Uncle Rocky and I. "Can I hold her?" Uncle Rocky asks, motioning to Caity.

I nod weakly. After a few moments of silence, there's a knock at the door. "I'll get it," I sigh as I stand up. I open the door to reveal her. "Grace? What's wrong?" I ask as I lean against the frame of the door.

She wipes away her tears. "I-I.. Romeo, I'm sorry!" She sobs. "I miss you."

I wrap my arms around her shaking body. "Come inside," I keep one arm around her waist.

"Hello, Grace," Uncle Rocky greets her.

Her tears stream faster. "I-Is that Cait-Caitlyn?" She stammers.

Uncle Rocky stands up, handing her our baby. "She's beautiful, isn't she?" He smiles at Grace.

She nods, smiling down at the infant. "Oh my God. Romeo, I-"

I cut her off. "You can see her whenever you want. She's your daughter, Gracie."

She looks up at me as Uncle Rocky leaves the room. "C-Can we get ba-back together?" She leans her head on my shoulder.

I smile, kissing her forehead. "Of course, baby." I lean down and kiss Caitlyn's forehead too. "I love you, princess."

She giggles, making Gracie and I laugh. "Romeo!" Uncle Rocky runs down the stairs. "We gotta go. Sky won't calm down without you," he says out of breath.

We all rush to the car. "Is she okay?" I ask as tears stream down my face.

He nods. "Yeah, she's fine. She just won't stop crying for you."

Once we get to the hospital, I hold Sky until she falls asleep. "Where's mom and dad?" I ask Mason.

"Mom went to calm dad down. He's having another panic attack," he shrugs.

"Romeo," Gracie gasps. I turn to look over at her. "Her eyes fluttered at me."

I lean over, kissing her head. "It's an amazing feeling, isn't it?" I wrap my arm around her waist. We sit in silence for a few minutes before my parents come back into the waiting room. "Are you okay?" I ask dad.

He nods, smiling sadly at my mom. "I will be," he sighs.

But You Promised (Wattys2015) (Just write it)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora