Nineteen - A Better Replacement

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I accidentally bump into someone as I rush down the hallway. "Oh my Gosh. I'm so sorry," I say as I help her up.

She shakes her head, her curly hair- that's tied back in a pony tail- flying around. "It's fine. It was my fault," she sighs.

"I'm Romeo," I shake her hand.

She smiles, showing off her perfect white teeth. "I'm Maya," she giggles.

I stare into her dark brown eyes, outlined with the frame of her red glasses. "I'll walk you out," I say as I nod towards the doors.

She nods. We walk side by side out f the school. "So.. This is the part where you walk off to go with your girlfriend," she mumbles sadly.

I shake my head. "She actually broke up with me yesterday," I bite my lip.

"I am so sorry. I-I didn't know," maya panics.

I smile, shaking my head. "It's cool. Wanna go get something to eat?" I ask abruptly.

She must've noticed my blush because she giggles. "Sure, Romeo." After a few minutes of walking, she speaks up. "Tell me about yourself," she urges.

"Um, where do I start?" I chuckle. "Well, my parents got divorced about three weeks ago. I've only seen my dad twice because I'm pretty mad at him. I had three siblings, but now I only have two," I bite my lip.

"What happened to the third? You don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable," she says softly.

I nibble on my lip, trying to prevent the tears. "My younger sister and I were both diagnosed with cancer about six months ago. It took me a few months, but I recovered. Unfortunately, she didn't," I whisper.

Maya pulls me into a tight hug. "I know we just met, but I'm here for you." She whispers in my ear.

I wrap my arms around her waist. "I also have a daughter named Caitlyn. She's almost three months old," I gush as we pull away.

A smile tugs at her lips. "Can I meet her?" She asks softly.


She shrugs. "Why not?"

I smile widely at her and we start towards my house. If took us about a half an hour to walk there. We shared so much about one another. As soon as I walk in, I notice the emptiness. "Mom? Rocky?" I call into the echoey house.

My mom walks down the stairs, looking like a mess. Hair sloppily tied up, wearing sweatpants and a tank top, a hickey slightly noticeable on her collar bone. Rocky follows her, his fingers interlaced with hers. He's wearing something similar except he's wearing a t-shirt.

"This is my friend Maya. Maya, this is my mom- Lynn and.." Everyone looks at me, awaiting my answer. "Her fiancé/my uncle Rocky."

Maya shakes their hands. "It's nice to meet you. Romeo has told me many good things about the two of you. Oh! And, I am so sorry for your loss," she says somberly.

My mom and Rocky smile at her. "Thank you, sweetie," was all my mom said before walking back upstairs.

"I'm sorry about her. Skylar is a very sensitive subject for her. Rome, is she going to your dads with you?" Rocky asks me.

I groan. "Shit, I forgot I'm going there tonight. Err, Maya, do you wanna meet my dad or is Rocky, my mom and Caitlyn enough for one day?" I chuckle nervously.

She smiles warmly. "I would love to meet him, Romeo," she gently rests her hand on my arm. "But I have to be home by six."

I nod, glancing at the time. "Well, then come on! You can meet Caity," I grab her hand and pull her upstairs.

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