author's note trois

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apologies for not making this a real update.

i just have to say, i'm really happy with the feed back i get from everyone, i mean, it's such an honor. people send me fan art and such and it's so adorable, i love it, it brightens my day.

on another note, school will be starting up in a couple of weeks (sadly ;c) and i'm obv not ready.

i'm going to have to give school more attention than i do on here, even though i want to write every day.

but to me, it's really difficult, honestly. like, it's homework of a chore. like, i'm forced to. i guess i'm not very used to updating something about every other day. it's difficult because i have to write for six different characters with six different personalities. and i have to keep everyone happy with them.

i think it's that i feel insecure about them. honestly, Altaïr being a jock? Ezio a fashion freak? Connor super naturistic? Edward a fun alcoholic? Haytham a book worm? Desmond as...himself?

i, personally, feel like i'm doing it wrong.

seriously, if i am, please tell me.


don't worry, i'm not ending the book - i love doing this for you guys. i absolutely love reading comments and getting PMs from all of you. to know that people enjoy my work, like me as a person, want to care about my feelings as i care about yours.

i just feel like i've been slacking off recently, that's all.

if you have anymore suggestions or if you'd want to collaborate, i'll take anything.

i love you guys

so so much

okay, well, i guess i'll leave you with that.

i hope i didn't offend anyone?¿?¿

*aaaaaaand my notification tone is ezio saying bene WHOOPSIES

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