Author's Note Numero Dos

2.2K 39 16

i ran out of ideas


i said it

help pwease *_*

and because i love you guys, i want to do something special because we're almost at 10k c:

let's do a Q+A session?

so post your questions in the comments and i'll answer them in the next chapterrrr

you can ask me personal stuff (not creepy stuff like 'wuts yur bra size b') or stuff about shows and movies so we can fangirl/boy together :3

or stuff about assassin's creed in general like, my favorite character, game, stuff like dat :)

i love you all so so much

tell me about that bitch who pisses you off so i can punch them in the face for you

oh and p.s.

what should i call you guys?

as in 'my audience'

idk you guys seem cute so i thought i'd be cute with you guyysss

ciao, mia bella a tutti!

*disclaimer: i don't like one direction. i'm sorry. but this made me laugh. so i'm keeping it. it's there now. enjoy.*

(feels like only person on planet who dislikes 1D)

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