Chapter Forty - Three

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[Nicole ]

Overthinking ruins you . Ruins the situations , twist things around , makes you worry just makes everything much worse than it actually is . So other words you should mind yours but in this case fuck that I'm spilling all the tea .

" Damn took you long enough " said Nae as I walked in the room .

" Kiss my ass " I said putting the cover over Snake .

" What's in the bags?" She asked

" Our Dresses ...Since every time we decided to go there is bullshit ."

"It's almost that time . I had forgot "

" Well you better remember ." I said

I wanted to tell her what was up but at the same time it was a bad time . Time was ticking while they out there having play dates and shit . We sitting here cause of them or that's what I think .

" You talk to Dice ?" I said handing her food to her .

" Nawl I'm go over there tonight ." She replied

" Well while you at it ask him . How was his play date with Swanney "

" He was with Swanney? When And Where ? "

"Just a few minutes ago . At that new bar across the street .They ain't see me tho " I said looking at Snake

" Mhmm I'm get to the bottom of that ." She said gathering her stuff " I'm be back ."

Once she left out the room . I wanted to go with her but I had to be there for Snake also . Shit she took on Rugger she can take on King Kong if she wanted to . Plus I'm give her a hour or two to get back .

Since I was going be there for a while I might as well make myself comfortable . I wrap up in my blanket pushing the chair over to beside Snake bed . He was sleep so peaceful. Seem as if he ain't have a care in the world . Good at least somebody had some peace .

The nurse from the front desk kept coming in . I figured that was his assigned nurse . Everytime she opened the door Snake would pop his eyes open . Almost scared the hell out of me . It did all the time you would think I got use to it over time .

The first Forster home we went to . You couldn't even talk to us without Snake jumping down your throat . He super over protective over us . He use to sneak in our room at night and sleep in the bed with us especially after that night Nae was attacked . He wouldn't let us out his eye sight . Knowing that Snake would haunt anybody down that hurt  us or even tired to made me feel amazing . Seeing him laying in this hospital bed made me feel even worse .

I grabbed his hand and kissed it . Than put his hands against my face . Thought about all the memories we had . Got so into my feeling I began to cry . Not cause he want goin make that was out the question he was coming home . Just the fact I couldn't protect him .

The door opened with a annoying cracking sound . Snake didn't even wake up .

" I'm sorry to interrupt but it's time to change the IV . And give Mr. Maxwell His meds ." She said entering the room . This time a different nurse .

" It's Fine ."

" How Are you ? " she asked with a smile

She was a older lady . She had to be in her mid forties . Thicker than a muthafucka had the body of a twenty three year old . If I was gay I would prolly  try to get her on my team . Not just her body but her face was attractive as well . She had this scar along the side of her face .

" I'm fine . I'm hanging in there . How about yours ?" I said wiping my eyes

" So far so good . Can't complain , Ya Know ? Just happy to be alive . " she said changing Snake AV ." You look so familiar . You , him and the pretty girl that just left . Yall ken to each other ?"

" Yes Ma'ma" I response

" Thats nice . Your brother is a true fighter . He ate them bullets ." She joked " He remind me of  my ex husband ."

" You was married ?" I asked

" Yes twenty seven years . Worse years of my life . " she said

I really didn't wanna get in her personal business . I kinda of really didn't give a fuck . So I just smile and nodded my head .

" I don't wanna seem like I'm asking to many questions . Are You Pamela White  daughter or ken ?" She asked

" Why yes that's my mother ."

" I knew it you a spitting image of her child . Diana Carter is the other girl mother . Hazel Maxwell Is His mother . I knew yall looked to familiar ." She explained

Who the fuck was she ? FBI

" Well yes " I said standing up .

I squeezed Snake and he squeezed mines back . That told me he was fully aware on what was goin on .

" I was incarcerated with them . Them was my roll dogs . We was the hottest thing walking in that muthafucka . We partially ran that jail " she said " Ask about me . My name Ester Parker but everybody call me Scar Face "

" Well nice meeting you Ms. Parker ."

" Nice meeting you . Tell WooWoo I said Wassuhp " she said waking Snake up .

" Will do."

Today was just the day I had to lie . Lord knows I wasn't goin tell her . Hell I didn't even talk to my mother or daddy . I still had anger towards them but I knew it wasn't they fault . They missed out on everything . My prom , first day of high school , my graduation . I just felt like they could avoided getting caught but I'm glad they did . Fucked up shit to say . That's just me and I don't care who got something to say about it .

" Come on baby . I just need you to take your pain pills and let me get your blood pressure ." She said helping Snake sit up .

"Where Nae go ?" He taking the pills

"Dice House "

" Figured. " he said sipping the water

" Well I'm done here . I will be back in forty five minutes ." She said rubbing Snake back . " You need any thing . Don't be afraid to just rang the buzzer baby ."

"Trust me , I want . " he said as she walked at the door . She gave him a wave and closed the door .

" She fine as hell . Ain't she ?"

" On my momma she is . She can get the business and some . " He joked

" Boy you better stop . You already got one to many kids "

" That's my only kid to "

" So when you goin be able to come home . You heard what she said you ate that shit . " I joked

" You know ya boy wasn't goin go out like no hoe .but you know I gotta stay for least two days . I will come home Tuesday ."

" Good . " I said grabbing his hand

" You going home tonight ?"

" Nah I'm all yours . I am going to grab me some clothes tho ." I said kissing him on the cheek

" Aight be back nigga ."

" I am . Shut up boy " I said walking out the door .

It was now going on eleven pm . I wasn't one bit of tired . Walking up to my car I felt a presence around me . Like someone or somebodies was following me . I picked up my pace . When I finally got to my car something hit me .

Fuck .

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