Chapter Twenty -Six

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[ Nicole ]

Sitting beside Bestfriend . I off back knew she was hurt well not hurt all the way I know she ain't give a fuck . Plus she always went to the beach when she was going through whatever . She said the ocean sounds help her mind. I didn't bother to say anything I sat there while she stared into the sun set. Ronaeh may seem like a tough cookie on the outside but on the inside she soft .

" How ... " She said before pausing ." How could he have a wife ? Mm . We been dealing with each other since we was 14 .. Four Fucking teen .You know how many years of my life that is ? TO MANY YEARS FUCKING WASTED " she yelled sadly . I was surpised that she wasn't crying .

I could do nothing but hug her . I was glad at the fact that she was actually truly done with that nigga .At the same time I was sad cause that's my Bestfriend I don't like to see her hurt.

" Fuck him . You don't need him . He ain't Fucking deserve you no damn. That's his fault . " I explained

best friend started laughing .I just looked at her , I hope she was not finna turn a crazy broads . She already is , but still.

" I don't give about that. Its the fact he after all the years of the hurt pain and girls . He got married he ain't even tell me. maybe I wanted to go to the wedding . Honestly I'm glad . I won't feel bad about fucking with Dice no more . "

I giggled , cause I knew she was disappearing to his house . My GPS told me so .

" That's true. How about let's not kill him . Let's torture him .. Then kill him . " I said with smirk

"I got some good ideas in mind " she replied .

" Plus You got me . Oh my god ! Remember when we was in high school ? We both said by the time we 40 and if we not married ." I said

" We was going marry each other " we both said .

" Yeah I remember. " she said with a warm smile . " Remember when we first met ?"

" How could I forget . "

"Then how we meet? " she asked

" At that park dummy. We was going beat them girls up just because . Than ever since then we been Best friends . " I said . " Well you not my Bestfriend you more of my ryda "

" You know it ! There's nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for you . There is nobody in this world that I wouldn't kill for you."

" There no place in this world that I would be able to find you . There is no one in this world that could ever take you from me ." I told her.

" Let's go far away after this bullshit . Let's go on a vacation . Just me and you ...maybe Snake . "

" That don't sound bad . Let's make our moves now . who must go first ? " I asked . I knew who had to go first .

" Rugger of course " she said laughing .

" Let's start with him and keep it moving"

" What about Mya ? Her and Indo is like how me and you are . Mya had to know that Swanney and Indo was related . That's why she ain't give us no name . " She explained

" I knew she had a brother but she said he died. "

" It don't matter now . EVERYBODY MUST DIE " Ronaeh added .

" Let's just wait on Mya . " I said . Mya was cool . I knew she wouldn't trade on us , but you can't put nothing past nobody .

" I love you " Bestfriend said .

" I love you to G-ball " I said throwing sand on her .

" How do always find me ? I don't recall telling you were I was going " she asked

"I told you there is no place in this world that I wouldn't find you. I meant that. "

I don't care if she was across seas I would find her. ALWAYS! We like them two sister off the color purple. Regardless of were they went they always found each other . Aint no river ain't sea that could keep my bestfriend away from me.

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