A new smell, fresher, newer, very strong, met her nostrils and she wheeled around on her heels. Vic was standing with a small vial in his hand, he stood rigid, his expression stone as he continued to lure his friend toward him.

"You want it?" Vic taunted the vial, he held up a hand, motioning her to him.

"Give it to me now," Alexandria breathed as she walked towards her friend, baring her teeth. The monster beneath her skin started crawling as she stared at the vial longingly, her fangs were out as she stared at the vial and nothing else. She wanted it, so very badly, nothing mattered but getting her hands on that vial. Or at least the vampire side of her did, her humanity shrieked nothing but refusals as she felt the monster clawing at the surface, wanting nothing more than to be released.

Vic capped it, holding the vial in his hands, Alexandria lashed out and Vic dodged effortlessly, resulting in Alexandria faltering slightly. "Lex, let's go get you something to eat."

"I'm fine," regaining her composure. Her fangs retracted and the monster died down slightly, she was herself; she could feel the control and gave a breathless sigh.

"You just wanted blood, and not any blood. Human blood," Vic stated, his expression stone.

"Human blood?!" Alexandria was disgusted, outraged as she doubled over. She swore to never crave that kind of blood...she promised herself to stay away from that at all costs, she wanted to keep her humanity. She believed that having only animal blood kept her humanity in check, if she walked off that path...she wasn't sure what would happen.

"Calm down...shhh....it's alright...calm down," Vic whispered.

"But I swore that I'd never crave that!"

"It's what drew you out of the woods last week. And I'm certain that's what you smelled coming from the castle seconds ago. We need to find you something more sustainable. Maybe a threastle?"

"I can't see those."

"Lucky you..." he said darkly, "I can't sugar coat this for you, but we need to get you on something and now. Or well....

"I'd become a monster."

"A sexy monster," Vic offered with a sly smile.

Alexandria bit down on her lip, trying not to laugh but soon she was in a fit of giggles. That was his gift, turning any serious moment into a joke within seconds. Vic let go of Alexandria's shoulders and sighed. "I want you to talk to Dumbledore....things may have been fine for the last few years, but this is getting dangerous. The world is getting dangerous and I'm not letting things get worse while we're still here."

"I don't...I can't.."

"But you need to. This isn't good, Lex. You perked up the second you smelled that blood and looked savage as you went to tail it, and then I pulled out my vial and you...if I didn't know how to dodge your attacks, I'd be sucked dry by now."

"Where did you get that anyway?" Alexandria said with disgust.

"Don't worry about that," Vic commented. He'd never admit to her that it was his blood she had wanted, since the professors knew what Alexandria was he had gone to pomfrey asking for a way to hold her back if she ever went savage. He had drawn blood into several small vials that he kept around him in order to calm his best friend. He wasn't proud of it, but he was proud of helping his dear friend in the most dire of situations. It was a needed measure, because if she lost her humanity...Vic knew he'd lose her entirely. Which was the last thing he could ever accept.


"She wanted human blood today, I'm worried about her," Vic stated as he sat across from Dumbledore beside a fidgeting Alexandria.

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