Not that I care

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I think my fever is going to come back.

"I...I..." I stammered.

"Anyways, I think we should go back, Gray might be waiting for us." Jellal said and opened the door.

"Eh..? Okay.." I followed Jellal.

I saw that Gray had already finished half of the cookies.

"Oh welcome back." He said with his mouth full.

Me and Jellal sat in our places.

I cannot think properly because of what Jellal did a few minutes ago.

My mind is not functioning right.

I want to get out of here and stay alone for a while, because I am pretty sure I am totally red right now.

"Erza, are you alright..?" Gray asked.

"Huh..? Yes, I am." I said and smiled.

"But you don't look alright." He said and kept his palms on my forehead.

"You are burning up!" He screamed and quickly got up.

"I am not burning up." I said.

"Yes, you are Erza, Let me call Mrs.Scarlet." Gray said and ran out the door.

"What is he talking about..? I am fine.." I said to Jellal.

Jellal once again suddenly touched my fore head, I could see his eyes widening.

"You..are burning up.." He said.

"But I feel alright." I giggled.

"Then why are you giggling ?" He asked straight faced.

"Because I can see two of you." I giggled again.

"Fever has gotten you." He said. "I told you, you needed to take rest, but no, you had to go to the park in this weather."

"But- But-" I was about to say something but Jellal cut me off.

"Shh- not a word from you." He said and got up.

"Okay..." But I don't feel weak or anything, just that I can see everything in double. Is that normal ? I don't think so...

Jellal gently pulled me up, reflexively I got up, and unexpectedly, He picked me up "princess style"

"What-what are you doing ?!" I asked surprised.

"Putting you to bed." He said and headed towards my bed.

"I can go by myself.." I said.

What happened to Jellal all of a sudden ? First he kissed me on the cheeks, then on the lips and now he picked me up. I need to ask if HE is alright today or not..

But I can't bring myself to talk right now. I feel as though there is no energy in me.

Jellal slowly laid me down on my bed and covered me up with my blanket.

"Thank you.." I said, "I don't really know how I got sick again..I'm sorry.."

"Don't talk.Sleep." He said.

I nodded in response.

"Jellal...about Gray..Why I told him to come.." I started.

"I said Don't talk. Tell me whatever you want after you wake up, I will be right here." He said and sat beside me.

"Okay.." I said softly.

My eyes were getting quite heavy and before I knew it, I think I might have dozed off.

But I could hear Gray's and my Mom's voice vaguely.

I could feel Mom's soft and fragile hand on my forehead.

And I could also feel someone holding my hand.

It was definitely Jellal's.

But I'm worried about Gray and Jellal...I hope they don't start a fight when I'm sleeping..

Well at least I can count on my mom if it gets out of hand...Hopefully.


"Mrs.Scarlet, don't worry about Erza. I am here for her." I said, still holding Erza's hand.

"Oh Gray, aren't you kind as always. Okay, then..I will prepare dinner for us. Jellal will you be staying here too ?" Mrs.Scarlet asked.

"Yes, If you don't mind. Until Erza wakes up." Jellal said.

"Alright then, please take care of her, will you both ?" She asked.

Jellal and I both nodded simultaneously, and seeing our response Mrs.Scarlet left the room.

Me and Jellal were now both sitting beside Erza. Awkwardly.

We didn't talk, nor did we even look at each other.

I have a feeling Jellal doesn't like me, but like I care.

"Gray." He spoke.

"Hm ?" I responded, not that I wanted to.

"I want to know." He said.

"Huh ?" I blurted out.

"You know what I am asking for." He said again, not even looking at me.

"Oh...You mean "Mine and Erza"s past" ?" I asked.

"Yes, Listen even though you might think that it's none of my business, I want to know because I am a part of Erza's life now, and I think I have a little right to know since Erza haven't told me anything yet." Jellal said with a poker face. More like he yelled at me, Again, not that I care.

"I never said I won't tell you anything. If you want to know, then I have no problem in telling you." I said.

Really, even if he had asked normally without saying the whole "I am a part of Erza's life" sentence, I would have told him.

Not that I have anything to hide.
Afterall, me and Erza are "just" childhood friends.

But I think Jellal has got quite a shock that I agreed to talk about mine and Erza's past,

Hah, He has an interesting expression right now.

"So from where do I start ?" I asked.

"Since the day you knew Erza." Jellal said.

"Woah really ?" I asked surprised. Now isn't he curious..


I took a deep sigh, "Then I have to go way back, but I might not remember a couple of things so it might be little hard.."

"It's fine. Start from wherever you like then." Jellal said.

"Okay, I won't repeat it, so listen closely." I started.

"Wait-" Jellal stopped me.

"What is it ?" I asked.

"Will you please let go of her hand now ?" He said.

"Why ?" I asked back.

"Because I want to hold it." He shuffled towards me and forcefully removed my hand from Erza's.

He held her hand so gently, without even letting her know, that we had switched hands.

"Jellal, she is my childhood friend.." I said. And I think he was just too jealous.

"I know, and you were saying ?" He said, switching the topic back to me.

Well, Not that I care. I will start telling my flashback anyways.

"Alright..It was maybe 7 or 8 years ago, that I had met Erza.."

Jerza FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat