Can't You Feel My Love?

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Oliver stared after his sister, his face broken. His eyes squeezed shut in pain and hands balled into fist. Felicity walked over to him and pressed herself into his side and he wrapped an arm around her. Moira who was standing nearbt had her arms wrapped around herself and was crying silently. Oliver took a shuttering breath before he opened his eyes again and started to leave pulling her along with him. He set his hand on his Mom's shoulder and hesitated a moment before he they left the room. She knew there wasn't anything to say. There was a tear in their family and it would take a long time to mend but she believed it could be done.

"What are we doing now?" She asked him while trying to keep up with his long strides, as best as she could in three inch heels. She had vowed to herself that just being pregnant wouldn't change her style. Boy, why had she done that? Her feet were killing her and the extra height was not good for her equilibrium.

"We're going to the hospital," he said firmly.

"What? Why?" She stopped in her tracks in the middle of the bull pen.

"You're going to get checked out," he replied while sending her one of his looks that said 'don't even try to fight me.' Well that didn't work for her.

"I told you I was fine," she said barely managing to not stomp her heel on the floor.

"Kiddo, he's right," said Lance from behind her.

She turned to him but the look in his eyes kept her from objecting anymore. She would go but she didn't have to be happy about it. It wasn't that she didn't want to get checked out. She wanted nothing more than to make sure their baby was healthy but... what if he wasn't? She thinks that's the issue. She's terrified that they will tell her something is wrong and wouldn't be able to live with herself if anything happened to her baby, especially if it was her fault and she could have done something to stop it.

"Fine," she bit out as she swept from the room meeting Diggle by the door. He was going to take Moira and Thea home so she wanted to make sure he was okay before he left. She was oblivious to the conversation that was going on her between Oliver and Quinton.


Lance turned to him. "No body could say your girls don't have a dramatic flare," he said while chuckling softly.

Oliver sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face. "Don't I know it," he replied.

"But you wouldn't trade it for the world...would you?" asked Lance.

" I wouldn't."

Lance took a deep breath, like he was readying himself to say something that was really heavy.

"Oliver, I underestimated you and I treated you harshly. For that I'm sorry. When you went off on that boat, you were just a kid, nothing that happened was your fault and I shouldn't have treated you as if it was. Even if Sara hadn't come back. You're doing good for the city and taking care of your family. I'm glad I can be a part of it now....I'm proud of you, of the man you've become."

Lance reached a hand out and he took it. He couldn't believe his ears. Quinton Lance.... apologizing? It was shocking. The man who was go gruff and completely against admitting he was wrong; not unlike him, was doing just that. "Thank you Detective," he said sincerely, hoping he was conveying just how much it meant to him.

"It's the city that should be thanking you," Lance said with a firm nod.

"I don't do what I do for thanks...I do it so that people can go home to their families and so that I can go home to mine."

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