Chloroform -Chapter 12-

Start from the beginning

I sighed. I noticed Christina's slim hands fidgeting with the border of her sleeve. I wonder why shes so jittery right now? " 'Tina, can you please get me a slice of pizza." I attempted to distract her.

"I almost forgot about it." She opened the cardboard box, grabbing two slices of cheese pizza, handed one to me, and bit the other.

"Me too please," Jake asked.

"Same here." Shane adjured.

Christina playfully groaned and did what she was asked.

The movie began, it was a horror movie, that I have seen too many times.

"Violet." someone melodically repeated and jabbed my cheek.

My eyes blinked open, the bright sun shied them back behind my eyes lids. "What?" I groaned.

"I'm hungry."

I rubbed my eyes, wearing away my sleepiness, and noticed my head resting on Shane's laps. I quickly sat up, and saw Christina's head sitting on top of Jake's shoulder, their fingers twined together. I yawned and faced Shane. "What happened?"

"Apparently we all crashed, but you were the first one to doze off." He smiled, "and you hair looks like a birds nest."

"I'm sorry your legs aren't hair friendly."

Shane stood up and stretched and held out a hand for me. A little hesitant, I reached out and he pulled me to my feet. I ripped free from his hand. But being as persistent as he is, he wound his arm on my shoulder. Being the attention seeker I am, I left it there.

"So what can you make?" Shane looked down.

I laughed. "I'm not making anything for you." I grabbed Shane's arm and uncurled it from my shoulder. "Look in the fridge," I said and hopped to the couch where Christina and Jake were still sleeping. "Try not to burn the house down!" I yelled at Shane. My attention went back to Christina and Jake. How to wake them up? I thought to myself, when a brilliant idea popped in my head. I took out my cell phone.


My camera flashed taking a picture of Jake and Christina cuddled together.

"Jake and Christina sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I sang, feeling like a little kid again. "Wake up!" I screamed. Their eyes fluttered open, alarmed of my abrupt awakening. "I thought you guys were dead!" Christina laughed no glimpse of humor in her chuckles, puzzling me. She stood up and stretched taking small steps to the kitchen. I looked back to Jake snoozing off.

"Jake! Stop being a lazy bum and get up!" I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him up, miserably failing. A smile appeared on Jake's lips. He pulled back on the arm I was holding. I collided with him, his body heat radiating onto me. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. "You were awake!" I tried to remove his hands from me. He just smiled in return. "Your not going to let go, are you?" he shook his head slowly, with a smirk on his face. I smoldered a fake smile and thrashed against his iron grasp on me as he laughed. "Oh come on!!" I whined. I thrashed once more, and he let go. Gravity pushed me down, and I stumbled to the floor.

"Ow!" I faked, I rubbed the cast around my ankle making a pained face, pretending the area of pain was there, Jake was fooled.

"Are you alright?" He squatted by my side, worry and fear mixed in his tone.

"It really hurts. " I lied as I took deep breaths.

"I'm so sorry!!" His face completely contorted into worry, not having a clue of what he should do.

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