Chapter 2- filming

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Ellie's POV

I woke up around 9am, I felt comfortable as I knew my brothers were asleep in the rooms around me. I decided to just get up because I couldn't be bothered to lie in. I decided to go and wake up my brothers.

I wanted to scare the shit out of them because that's what they always did to me! I snuck into Beaus room and crept in and grabbed his air horn from one of his draws. I decided to wake up the twins first.

I crept into there room, they were both fast asleep. I decided to target Luke cause it was funny when he lost his temper as he had a really short temper.

I climbed onto Jai's bed as he had the bottom bunk and Luke had the top. I went up to his ear and put the air horn right next to it.

3...2...1 BEEEEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!!!!

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" Luke screamed in shock.

I started laughing my ass off. Jai had know woken up as well and he was just as pissed off.

"Fuck off cunt" Jai mumbled into his pillow.

I got off Jai's bed, Luke was giving me an evil stare. I casually walked out of their room feeling really proud of myself.

As I walked in I bumped into Beau who had come to see what the noise was.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Me waking the boys up" I said, smugly.

"Good work kiddo" he laughed as he high-fives me.

"Oh here's you air horn thingy by the way" I said as I handed it to him.

"Thanks" he said unsurely, obviously confused as to how I had got it out of his room.

He walked off back to his room. I walked into the kitchen to find mum making a breakfast.

"Hey mum" I said.

"Hey baby" she smiled back.

"What was that noise-" I cut her off.

"Me waking the boys up" I smiled proudly.

"Oh right" she laughed.

As I sat down at the table a very tired looking Jai walked in.

"Luke's being a dick" he said as he entered.

"No I'm not" Luke said as he followed behind.

"Yes you fucking are" Jai said going over to him and kicking him where no man wants to be kicked.

"You cunt" Luke said, as he chased Jai into the lounge.

I peered round the door and what as they had their twin time. They were having a full on fight around the room. Beau walked in and started filming it. When they finally stopped Beau announced that it was going on keek.

I laughed.

Mum called us in the kitchen for breakfast, she had made pancakes.

"Thanks mum" I said as I got a pancake.

Me and the boys ate and they talked about the video they were planning to film later.

When we were all done I went and had a shower and got dressed into some high wasted black denim shorts, a grey sleeveless singlet and some white converse. I straightened my hair and left it down, my hair was just below my shoulders so it was kinda easy to manage. I then put on some light makeup. Just some concealer, powder, mascara and a bit of eyeliner to make my eyes stand out. Everyone said my eyes were my best feature they were bright green like Beaus. I thought I looked pretty damn good to be honest. I took a selfie in my mirror and posted it to twitter and Instagram and captioned it "going to watch the boys film". My mentions automatically went crazy. Loads of the boys fans followed me. Most of them said nice sweet things but some of them would give me hate but I did as Jai had told me and just shook it off.

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