A bit under the weather

Start from the beginning


"But I don' wanna have my medicine daddy" Niall groaned as soon as he was out of the bath and in a fresh pair of Thomas the tank pyjamas. I had him sitting up the counter top next to the sink in the kitchen, medicine syringe in hand and ready to squirt into his mouth.
"Do I have to call papa? You know how cross he'll be if I have to ring him at work." I threatened, my tone stern.
"Nooo daddy! I be good but I don' wanna take my medicine please." He begged as I picked him up and took him downstairs to the living room. I was going to have to use bit of force and at least he couldn't run if he was surrounded.
Without another word I sat down on the armchair and cradled him like a newborn with one arm, taking the syringe between my fingers with the other. I feel so bad doing this seen as I'm literally forcing it down his throat but it's for his own good.
While he was distracted with Peppa pig I quickly ejected all the syrup into his open mouth and tilted his head back, quickly taking his bottle of juice and putting it into his mouth, hoping he would suckle on it and swallow everything, but that's easy said than done when you have an angry toddler kicking and thrashing around in your arms.
"Niall please swallow it" I asked sternly, getting a frustrated gargle in return. After a few seconds of holding Niall down he finally swallowed and pushed the bottle from his mouth with a loud screech.
"Niall James you do NOT scream at me or at anyone as a matter of fact." And with that I laid a small smack to his nappy-clad bum. I'm surprised he even felt it it was so light.
Almost immediately he quietened down and began to sob quietly in my arms.
"you're not feeling well so I won't put you in time out this time. You're lucky Harry didn't wake up too" I sighed as he cuddled into my chest. He rarely gets this upset and vulnerable. He's always clingy and a real crier when he's poorly but this just takes the biscuit.
"Sshh, all is forgiven now buddy. Try relax a bit. Do you want a bottle with milk?" I soothed while rocking him back and forth.
"Yeah" he whimpered with the saddest little voice imaginable.
"Alright, you pick out a movie here and I'll have it done before you can say supercalafragalisticexpialidousious" that earned me a wet giggle from my blonde boy. Not a laugh as it usually would've gotten but with the circumstances that wasn't a bad reaction.
I was back within 3 minutes, Harry's car seat in one hand, the baby still snuggled up fast asleep inside and Niall's beloved Mickey Mouse bottle in the other.
"Here's your baba, have you picked out a movie yet, lovey?"
"Mm hmmm"
"Gimme a look then. I think I might've caught a glimpse of my favourite" I exclaimed, smiling as I saw 'chicken little" amongst his selections. I love that movie but sadly Niall seems to be more into simpler stories that he could actually follow so he rarely chose it.
I popped the disc into the DVD player, took haz out of his car seat and lay him on my chest as soon as I sat on the couch. Niall reclaimed his usual spot curled against my side with a fist full of my white t-shirt in his weak fist. His forehead was burning up against my side but he seemed unfazed by it so I left him be. Maybe the medicine has yet to kick in?


"WERE HOME!" Zayn shouted as he opened the front door and stepped inside, followed by Liam and an exhausted looking Sophia.
"Ssshhhhh" I shushed, hoping to keep Niall asleep as long as possible.
"It's a bit late for nap time, isn't it?" Zayn whispered in confusion as he came into the living room and saw Niall all cuddled up and fast asleep and Harry, who was now wide awake, playing happily with a plastic set of keys.
"Poor lads sick zee, he threw up all over Tesco this morning and he's just not himself at all. He's been thrown on the couch for hours now. He just has no energy." I explained, carding my fingers through his sweaty hair before frowning and feeling his forehead with the back of my hand.
"Shit zee, he's burning up! Go get the thermometer."
I quickly put Harry down on the rug for some tummy time before going back to Niall. I honestly hadn't realised how pale he had gotten in the last few hours. God I'm such a shit parent.
"Here, love" Zayn sighed, handing me the thermometer and going over to nil head and stroking his hair back out of his face.
Without hesitation I held the device in his small mouth. Thankfully he didn't seem to mind.
"39 degrees. Zee run a cold bath this instant! He's gonna have a fit if we don't get this down." I spoke with urgency in my voice as I got up to strip Ni down to his nappy. I needed to prevent heat getting to him and what better way to start?
"Calm down Lou, it'll be ok. I'm on it. You wake him and take him up" and with that he was off, bolting up the stairs in his work shirt and trousers to run a cold bath.
"Li, please watch Harry. Don't leave him alone for even a second ok? That's how accidents happen." I murmured earning worried glances from the two lovers and quiet yeses from them both.
I took Niall's fragile body and held him close to my chest, supporting his head with my hand because he was too weak to do it himself and started my trek upstairs.

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