*Seven Hours Later*

After two hours of swearing at the Joker then going back to him repeatedly, as my brain wrapped around the info he told me, and another 5 of sessions and paper work, I was finally unlocking the apartment door. I was going to face that bastard's sorry ass. Joker still wouldn't tell me how he knew or how I told him about my past with Nathan though. He said something along the lines of it being ' a story for another time'.

I opened the front door and put my keys on the table. I went into the room and Nathan was talking on the phone. He waved at me and I went into the room's bathroom. I crossed the big room and approached the sink. I washed my hands and watched him in the mirror.

"Yeah sure! Oh great! Great! Th-thank you, thank you. Okay, I'll call you soon. Bye." He said before hanging up and coming in the bathroom frame.

"Hey! Where have you been baby? I didn't see you in the morning..or all day." He asked leaning against the bathroom's door.

I grabbed the towel and dried my hands.

"I went to work, I had some early stuff..We need to talk." I stated looking at him in the mirror.

"Yeah? What about?" He grinned as I put the towel back on the rack, before turning to face him.

"You. Lying." I started.

I saw a streak of panic rush through his eyes, as I came to stand at the wider edge, towards bathtub.

"Wh-what are you talking about?!" He panicked.

"You know exactly what! You took advantage of me! Joker told me I had left you a year ago! I found out your true colours back then! How dare you trick me! That explains you being so shocked when I first called!" I shouted at him.

"What?! You're listening to that psychopath now?! You don't know what you're talking about! I think you've been in that asylum for far too long Eva. You're starting to talk like a nut job!" He replied.

"What would 'that psychopath' get out of exposing you! I can't believe I ever trusted you! How dare you use me like that! We were getting engaged and you were telling my best friend ?!" I yelled.

"Stop yelling at me! You know that's not true! You have no clue as to what happened this last year! You have zero proof that we left each other! Why have you chosen to believe that sick fucktard! Now stop yelling! We have a general right next door! It's 1AM ! Do you want us fucking arrested!! " He whisper yelled back as he began to jab at my shoulders getting close to my face.

I felt the blood rush to my face and I began screaming like I've never had before. I don't know what came over me, but it didn't sound anything like me!

"You're full of shit Nathan! You want to know how I know?! You wanna know what makes me so sure?!! Our wedding was supposed to be August 4th!! You want to know what day it is?! August 16th!! The next fucking year!! You're messed up Nathan ! You're just an attention seeking failure! You're just a helpless little bitch! You'd do anything to get what you want! You make me sick!!-" I spat at him.

"I said don't fucking yell at me!!" He fumed, pushing me across the room.

I slid and my vision blurred. A few seconds later, I heard an ear splitting bang followed by my head coming in contact with the step in front of the bathtub. Curse these luxury bathrooms! I was conscious for about 2 seconds before everything was out. 








What do you guys think will happen next?

Don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote!

I will surely be editing this later, so bare with me :P

What do you think will happen to Eva?!

Do you think Eva will remember?! 

What will Jack do?!

Will Nathan still pose a threat?!

Or will Jack wipe him out?!

Hope you're all having a great day!

I'll see you guys tomorrow with 2 updates!

Much love xxx

His Last Joke (Sequel to His Last Laugh)Where stories live. Discover now