Chapter 21

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I was had been avoiding Harry and a prying Albus for weeks and now it was the night of the chistmas ball and I was ordered to attend. I put on a simply floor-length black dress that had long sleeves and my robe that looked exactly like Severus' as the students said. I put my hair up in a high pony tail and left for the Yule Ball.

I sipped my Vodka as I stood next to Severus, watching people dance. "How close are we?" I asked. "Not quiet there but making impovements." He said, sipping from his own cup. "I need it done before the last task." I ordered and walked away. I headed for the door but Mad-eye came out of no where and took my cup away, setting it on a passing waiter tray and pulling me into a dancing position. I narrowed my eyes. "You look very lovely, Harvinger. Not as lovely as you cunt when I fucked it though." He gloated. I glared at him murderiously as he slow danced us. He twirled me around and brought me back. "You may think your safe now, imposter but remember that you could have an unfortunate accident at anytime." I hissed. He chuckled. "I doubt that concidering many wittnesses saw you attack me so if I did meet an unfortunate accident then that would make you look suspicious." He purred. I growled knowing he was right. "Good little bird, now fly away." He said as he released me. I turned sharply causing my robe to snap threw the air as I swept from the room.

I sat at my desk in my small office, writting notes for a students detention as my door opened. "Professor, you wanted to speak to me?" Came Potter's voice. "Yes, Mr. Potter. Shut the door and have a seat." I ordered without looking up. He did as instrusted and I put my quill down and clasped my hands as I looked up. "I shall now be able to spend the holidays with you but pad-foot would." He looked dissapointed at first but lit up. "You know pad-foot?" I nodded. "Yes, Mr. Potter and Mr. Lupin. They were there that night I was appointed as your watcher," he smiled. "Now you will be in my home so please do not let him into my room." He nodded again but seemed confused. "What will you be doing this Christmas, Christina." I sat back in my chair. "I have buisness to attend to. Now, off you go. You shall be receiving floo powder tomorrow." I stood and walked him to the door, opening it and allowing him to leave. "And Mr. Potter?" I called. He looked back as I gave him a cold stare. "If you ever address me by my first name again, you shall receive detention with Mr. Filtch." I sneered. He frowned and gave me a confused look as I slammed the door shut. I turned and walked over to my desk after I sound proofed the room. I cleared my desk with a raging scream and a long sweep of my arms. Everything clattered to the floor as I rested my hands on the desk with my head hanging low. I felt a sob rack through me as I started to cry.

I stood on the deck as I saw the champions get into boats and float toward the docks. I closed my eyes tiredly and took a calming breath as I sat down and forced myself to remain sitting. I opened my eyes as I stared at the water void of all and any emotion. I saw Severus studying me subtilly out of the corner of my eye but ignored it as the champions and students got on the docks. Harry tried to make me notice him but I ignored him. I gripped the bench hard and breathed. I watched as Albus casted a Sonarus spell on him as he walked up to the top railing. Then I heard him when he was out of sight. "Welcome to the Second Task!" I focused on my breathing. "Last night, something was stolen from each of our Champions... a treasure of sorts," I saw Severus sit beside me. "These four treasures, one for each Champion, now lay on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win, each Champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface," I saw Mad-eye push Harry foward to line up with the other three Champions. "Simple enough, except for this... they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they will be on their own. No magic will save you," I felt Severus put a soothing hand on mine but I wripped it away from him. "You may begin at the start of the cannon." I closed my eyes as the cannon went off and the Champions dove in. I opened my eyes and stood. I started to pace as time went by. I grew restlessas I felt all of Harry's emotions. Curiousity. Determination. Loyalty. I didn't even notice he was the last Champion in the water. I then gasped as I felt his fear and danger. I raced to the edge of the dock but my feet stopped at the edge as an invisable force held me back. I saw Severus and Albus noticing. I backed up and tried again but I couldn't move past the edge. I grew frusterated as I mentally faught the force. My face went redder with effort and I was sweating. I stopped when I saw him land on the deck. I saw he was hurt and rushed to him but I hit an invisable force that kept me away. Severus walked up to me as I struggled against it. "Christina?" I whirled around enraged. "WHAT?!" I screamed. Silence. Everything and everyone went silent. I looked around and backed away, wrapping my arms around myself as people stared at me intensly with shock. I felt the tears building as I looked toward Harry. I turned and jumped off the dock, exploding into a Ravin before I hit the water and flew off as fast as I could.

I sat on my knees, hugging myself in my destroyed room, whailing. It was unbarable torture that Harry needed me yet I was contolled by the dagger and ordered not to do anything. I screamed and thrusted my hand toward the dresser causing it to explode into wood chunks as destroyed clothing and pieces of wood scattered the ground. I needed to get out of the castle before I let my rage get out of hand.

Severus' POV

I walked to Christina's chambers and thought about her strange behavior. She had wanted to help Potter but it was like a force stopped her, forbiddened her from doing something to help him. Was it connected to her dissapearance before the Yule Ball or why she wanted to rid herself of immortality. I couldn't past it togegher yet but I know its all connected. I came to stand at her door and knocked only to have the door creek open. I saw the mess and walked into the room with concern. She had obviously done it in a rage due to the blasts in the wall, fireplace, ceiling, and even the floor. She was hiding something and I had to find out what it was.

Harvinger's POV

I landed in my clean chamers and huffed- CLEAN?! I ran to the hiding place of the Immortality Potion and saw it was still warded and safe. I stood and turned to see Severus sitting on my bed, observing a vial with clear liquid inside. I was in awe as I swept around the table. "You did it." I breathed. He looked at me. "I think so, the only way to know is to test it." I moved forward as he held the vial out for me. I held joy in my eyes as I took it. "It may-" I interupted him as I crashed my lips against his. He moaned and kissed me back hungrily. We parted lips and I uncorked the vial. I smiled as I cried tears of joy and put the vial to my lips. "For Harry." I whispered and tilted my head back, downing the contents of the vial. I closed my eyes and felt the liquid take ahold. After a few minutes I opened my eyes. I walked over to the dresser and opened a drawer. I took out a knife and before Snape could protest, I stabbed myself in the hand. I removed it after swallowing the pain. I watched with baited breath as it bled. It then closed up. I dropped the vial and fell to my knees. "No..." I whispered tearfully. I grabbed my hand and pulled it to my chest and started to rock. "NOOOOOO!!!" I whailed. I felt Severus wrap his arms around me as my agony screams echoed around the room.

I sat down at the Great Table for breakfast feeling hollow. "Blackthorn, did you hear those aweful whails last night? Maybe one of the ghosts?" Flitwick asked. I stared at my cup. "I didn't hear a thing." I said, my tone hollow and catching the attention of Albus. "Are you alright, dear?" Minera asked, cautiously waiting for the sarcastic remark. "I'm fine." I whispered. Minerva grew worried. I was growing angry and annoyed at the stares some of the staff were givin me. "Professor?" Came a timid voice. I looked up and the only option was clear as Harry stood before me. "What do you possibly want, Mr. Potter?! Can I not have a simple bloody meal without having to grante one of your bloody requests or is that too much to ask for from the boy-who-makes-my-immortal-life-hell?!" I stood up fast, knocking my chair back, not so it fell but slid away. The staff stared at me with shock as he looked at me with hurt and shock. It wasn't enough though. I had to give him that extra shove. I slammed my hands down on the table. "I am not your bloody fucking mum, Mr. Potter and its not my fault she got herself killed because she couldn't hand over a fucking baby or was to stupid not to run. I'm not sure which but her stupidity or moronic ways must have been past down to you. Now get out of my sight before I remind everyone that I am not a kind-hearted woman but the Harvinger, a cold hearted, ruthless, cruel creature!!" I snarled. "Professor Blackthorn!" Minerva shouted angrily. He stepped away startled, hurt, angry, and betrayal. I was breathing heavily. He turned and ran from the room. I felt guilty for a split second but it was the only option I had. I stood up straight, resuming my full height. "Was entirly unnessissary!" Minerva shouted, also standing. I made myself void of emotions. "It was entirely nessissary, Minerva." I said and left in smoke.

I bowed to Voldemort and stood up straight with my hands clasped behind my back. "You were not... suppose to push the... boy away!" He hissed. I felt the tail of a whip lash my back. I swallowed the pain as it came down three more times. "But it is... just a slight obsticale... It will still work for the plan." I glared at him. "Which is?" He chuckled. "You don't need to... frett, my Ravin." He wheezed. I snickered. "You cling to that dagger all you want but you need to put it down sometime." I hissed. "Shall I whip her, Master?" Wormtail asked. "No, you fool!" Voldemort snapped. I was then transported back to my chambers.

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