Chapter 12

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Oh gods, it was bad! I was stuck in a 'Locked-in' state. "I had this dream tonight about you and I in the teacher's bathroom. You looked amazing and when we divulged our selves... it was the most arousing moment of my life," I was covering my ears and humming. "Every touch, every breath," I felt his breathing on my ear and cursed this prison which was my mind. "Every thrust. Even now I find myself yearning to flip you over onto all fours and fuck your brains out." I bit my lip and hummed louder. I heard him take a sharp intake of air. "I want you to ride me like a fucking cowgirl as hard and roughly as you can. Then when we're about to cum, I'd flip us over and straddle you, placing my cock between your breasts. Then you would push them together and move them up and down my cock as I cum all over your face." I felt my cheeks heat up and then slowly begin to feel the rest of my body but was unable to move. I was getting aroused quickly. "I would then drag you from the bed and slam you against the wall. I'd reach down and pick you up by under your thighs causing your legs to spread as you grip my shoulders. I would impale you on my hard rod as I fucked you hard," I felt his hand touch my thigh and massage it. I cursed my current position. "Gods, the thought of you moaning my name.... lets just say," I felt him move my hand and then felt his increasingly larger bulge. "It makes Severus jr. very excited." I groaned as I felt a hand feeling me through my robes. I sighed and allowed myself to enjoy.

I had woken up the next day and felt the need to help Hagrid and fly Shadow. I mounted my Pegasus and patted his neck. "Come on, bud. Let go see where the students are." He whinnied and we took off. We soared over the grounds and I saw Hagrid taking his next class to the forest. I steered Shadow that way and we landed and they gasped as Shadow reared up and let a proud nay out as he flapped his large wings. He settled down and I smiled as Harry came forward. "I thought you would be back at the castle." I understood what he meant right away. "Don't think on it so much, Mr. Potter." I dismounted and gave him a charming smile. I turned as someone cleared their throat. "Dat da da daaaa!" Hagrid called. A grey Hippogriff came into view. "Isn't he a beaut'?" He took a dead ferret off the rope that hung around his neck and tossed it to the creature, whom snatched it out of the air and greedily scarfed it down. "Say hello to Buckbeak!" I noticed some of the students shift cautiously. Hagrid noticed to but I gave him an encouraging smile. "Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Ron asked. "That Ron, is a Hippogriff," he walked toward them. "The first thing you wanna know about Hippogriffs is that their very proud creatures. Very easily affended. You do not want to insult a Hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do." I walked up to Hagrid and stood beside him as he clapped his hands together excitedly. "Now who who'd like to come and say hello?" Hagrid turned away and everyone stepped back except Neville, whom hid behind the small crumbling stone wall, leaving Harry to be the only one standing forward as Hagrid turned back around. "Well done, Harry. Well done." Harry looked behind him to see what had just happened. He sighed silently and moved forward, waiting for Hagrid's instructions. I walked over to Shadow and stroked his nose as Harry bowed to the Hippogriff. It turned its head and squawked as it beated it's wings. "Back off, Harry. Back off!" Hagrid ordered fearfully. I just continued to watch as Shadow snorted and then started to count impatiently with his front right hoof. Harry stopped as his foot snapped a twig. Then the bird bowed. I smiled as Hagrid rewarded the bird. I watched as Harry moved forward cautiously to pet it. Shadow nudged me with his nose. I smiled at him and looked back to see Harry was petting Buckbeak. I smirked as Hagrid put Harry up on Buckbeak's back. Malfoy and his gang had pushed to the front of the group to watch. I looked at Hermione and beckoned her forward. She walked over and before she could protest, I picked her up and sat her in Shadow's saddle. "Hold on, he will guide you." "What?!" I slapped Shadow's butt and he took off in a run with a screaming Hermione. He then took off the ground and started to fly after Buckbeak. I listened for a good few minutes until I heard them hollar excitedly. I smiled and turned back as they landed. Hagrid helped Harry off as I helped Hermione. "I normally hate flying but that was exhilarating!" I smirked at the excited glint in her eyes. I whipped around as Malfoy strutted up toward Buckbeak. "Yeah, your not dangerous at all, are you? You great ugly broot." I moved toward him quickly. "Malfoy!" I called. I threw myself in front of him as Buckbeak reared up and knocked me to the ground and clawed through Draco's sleeves and scratched his arm. I heard Hagrid shooing the Hippogriff off. I pushed myself to my feet and all I could hear was Malfoy saying that Hagrid would regret this, him and that bird. Harry helped me back to the castle.

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