Chapter 13

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I sat in the library, preparing myself to say no to Potter. Minerva had told me that he would come and ask me to sign his permission slip to Hogsmead and that I had to deny him. As if on Que, he appeared. "Professor Blackthorn, I was wondering if you would sign my permission slip?" I sighed and set my book down. I turned in my chair and looked at him. I opened my mouth but he was quicker. "Professor McGonagall already told you not to, didn't she?" I saw the disappointment in his eyes. I then grinned. "But she never said anything about taking you to DiagonAlly." I said mischievously. He lit up. "Brilliant!" I stood and waved my hand so I was dressed for the weather. I don't know why but I couldn't bare seeing him like that. I guess I was only soft for this boy. I grabbed his shoulder roughly and towed him off towards the back corner of the library, making it look like he was in trouble. I let go of him when we were in the cover of the shadows. He took my hand and I was just about to apperated us but then a voice made us freeze. "Mr. Potter, Professor Blackthorn, you wouldn't be going any where, would you?" Lupin.

 I turned and sighed. "Lupin, just let the kid have some fun. Besides he needs robes for the ball and I need to get a dress so two birds killed with one stone." He stepped forward. "I'm afraid I can't let you." I offered my other hand. "Then come with. I'm getting you robes to." He mulled over the idea and finally sighed before taking my hand.

I was walking Toward the Gryffindor Common room Halloween night when I saw the crowd. "Out of my way." I called as I moved up the stairs. Kids moved as I came to stand with Albus. I saw the painting was slashed as I ran my hands over the rips. "A knife was used." Albus nodded as he examined it. "Mr. Filtch, round up the ghosts. Have them search every painting in the castle... find the Fat Lady." I noticed Filtch staring at a painting. "There's no need for ghosts, Professor," he pointed to the painting. "Fat Lady is there." The students ran up the stairs to see the portrait as Albus and I hurried after them. "Watch where your going! Slow down!" A kid shoved Percy as he grew frustrated. I snickered. "You listen! I'm Head Boy!!" I came to stand next to Albus as we looked at a picture of a Hippo. I saw her hiding behind one. "Dear Lady, who did this to you?" Albus asked. She peeked up, shaking with fright. "Eyes like the devil and a soul as dark as his name! Its him, Headmaster. The one they all joke about. He here, somewhere in the castle! SIRIUS BLACK!" The crowds broke out in panic. Albus turned to me and Filtch with a face of seriousness. "Secure the castle. Blackthorn, go see if you can find him." I nodded and grabbed the railing, jumping over and turning into a raven as I flew off down a the magical staircases and columns. The Latin chanting of Tracking spells began telepathically.

I landed in the forest and turned to normal. I had looked everywhere but no sign of him. I raised my hands and started to chant as my eyes turned black. I was then tackled from behind. I landed on my stomach hard as I groaned. I looked up and saw him. I got to my feet and raised my hand but I was the knocked to the left and hit a tree. I hit the ground hard and tried to catch my breath as I got on my knees only to come face-to-face with a werewolf. I froze as it snarled and bared its teeth. "Easy, boy... Easy." I said raising a hand slowly in self defence. It was drooling and growling. The teeth sharp and un-naturally jagged. It threw its head back and howled causing me to scramble away but something latched onto my leg causing me to scream as I felt teeth pierce my leg. I screamed as it dragged me. I looked back and kicked that damn animagus. It let go and I disappeared into smoke.

I landed in the 4th floor corridor. I hissed as I flipped over and sat on my butt. I lifted up my pant leg and growled. That mangy mutt bit me! My vision was then blinded by light. It was raised and I sighed as I saw Severus. "Bloody hell!" He dropped down and helped me to my feet. I gripped his robes to steady myself as he wrapped an arm around my waist to hold me up. He helped me toward the Great Hall. "What happened?" He asked. I hissed as I limped along. "I found him. What does it look like?" I snapped. I sighed as his grip tightened. He held his lit wand higher as we moved along. "I was tackled behind and looked up and there he was. I moved to attack but a very large werewolf knocked me around and then when I tried to escape... the animagus tried to get the werewolf to use me as a chew toy by sticking around." I noticed his jaw harden. "Lupin." He hissed. I felt myself heal and straightened up. I let go of Severus but didn't miss his reluctance to let go of me. I opened the Great Hall doors and walked up to Albus. "I've done the dungeons, Headmaster. No sign of Black nor anywhere else in the castle." Snape said. "I almost got used as a werewolf chew toy after I spotted him in the forest. Dementors everywhere, he won't get far." Albus raised his eyebrows in concern. "Are you alright?" I smirked. "Immortal, Albus. I'm not fragile." He nodded. "Yes, of course." He turned and walked down the rows of students. Severus and I were quick to follow. "Remarkable feat, don't you think? To enter Hogwarts Castle on his own completely undetected?"

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