Chapter 25

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We landed on the rocks of Azkaban as the tall tower stood there dark and ominous. "What a cheerful looking place!" I joked as they walked me inside. One the door was shut, I was searched and was quiet thankful that I hid the vial. The guards took my arms as the Aurars left. They sat me down on a stool as they filed paperwork. "Harvinger? Isn't she a legend?" One said. I smirked as my eyes turned black. "Legends are said to be true, boy." I hissed. They gasped as my eyes turned back. "Now, can we hurry this along? I am quiet excited to see my new room." I said sarcastically. They stood me up and walked to an elevator. The doors opened to reveal four more guards. I was made to stand in the middle of the elevator as they pointed their wands at me. The doors shut and the elevator shuttered to life. "Please, if I wished to escape then you would all be dead already." I mused. They shifted slightly. I chuckled and the elevator came to a stop. We walked out as the prisoners screamed and whistled as the guards walked me to my cell. They opened up the door and walked me inside. A shackle was placed around my ankle as my handcuffs were removed. I turned to face them. "Have a goodnight, Gentleman. I know I shall." I mused as they slammed the cell door shut and locked it. I saw a stone bench and sat down. Wow... Azkaban. Didn't feel like prison. I waved my hand and a cup of tea appeared in my hand. I sipped it as I looked out the window at the view of the ocean. Hmm so bleak. A Dementor flew by and I sighed. "Hey girly, come here!" Called one of the inmates. I sighed and made my tea disappear. I leaned up against the wall and allowed my eyes to shut.

I woke up to the sound of keys. I saw the cell door open. "We are here for your trial but first you medication." They handed me a small paper cup of liquid and I sniffed it. Calming Drought, Sedation Sedative, and your basic compliance drugs. I smirked. "This will give me one hell of a drug trip." I mused and took it. They Apparated me.

We landed outside a courtroom and I heard voices. I then heard the sou d of a gavel and the doors opened to reveal Albus. "Hello, Albus." I greeted. He looked concerned as Harry came out of the courtroom and tried to hug me but an Aurar held him back. "I'll be fine, Harry." I said loopily as they dragged me into the courtroom. I sat down on the chair and my hands were unshackled and placed on the arms of the chair where the restraints sprang to life and cupped around my wrists. The sound of the gavel sprang to life as I felt the drugs wear off. "Disiplinary hearing for the 12th of August for affences commited by Christina Blackthorn, A.K.A. The Harvinger, residaint at Blackthorn Castle. Interigators: Cornilius Ozwall Fudge, Minister of Magic. The charges against the accused are as follows, that she did knowingly and in full awareness of the illegality of her actions, produce a Patronus Charm in the presence of a muggle. Do you deny these charges?" He asked, looked down at me threw his specticals. "No." He smirked. "Do you mind? These restraints are very tight." I said as they fell to the floor. I crossed my legs and rubbed my wrists. "Today is just full of dejovu!" I said enthusiastically. "Now, I used the Patronus Charm to save a muggle boy from a Dementor. Basically the same story Harry James Potter told you." He sighed. "Now, seeing as it is such. I am immortal, extremely powerful, and will outlive all of you. I think its safe to say I broke your rule for the greater good unless, Minister, you think muggles are lesser than us?" Everyone turned to stare at him intensely. He banged his gavel. "Cleared of all charges." He said unamused. I smiled and swept from the room.

I sat in the waiting room at the train station. Harry left the room and Sirius stood. He turned to me and smiled sadly. "I'm going to miss you, love." I walked over and kissed him slowly to which he eagerly responded. The next thing I know we're against the wall and he's got my dress hiked up and fucking me. I moaned into his neck as he nipped and bit my flesh. He pulled out and turned me around so I was bend over a nearby chair. He thrusted into me and started pounding into my causing me to cry out. When we finished he turned me back around and kissed my lips.

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