Chapter 22

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I put on lack theather pants, black leather knee-high boots, a black tanktop, and my black robe. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and did my make-up. I strapped two knife holsters to each of my thighs, and my wand in my boot. I holstered two black throwing knives in the holsters and sighed. I transported myself to the arena, no one was there yet, and crack my neck as I swept toward Cedric. He looked nervous but quickly hid it as I stepped closer. "I am so sorry but I'm saving your life." He shreiked as I knocked him out and paralized him. I waved my hand and he dissappeared into smoke. I calmed myself and closed my eyes as I chanted quietly. I stopped and opened my eyes. I saw my reflection in a puddle and smiled as I saw I now looked like Cedric. Thats when I heard people coming and soon the stands filled. I smiled as people cheered for Cedric, or me in this case. The things I do for this school. A man came over and grasped my shoulders. "I want you to be safe, my son. I am so proud of you." He said. I smiled. "Thanks, dad." I sounded just like Cedric. "Lets go get them!" He ran through an entrance and I followed. People cheered my name as we walked to the start of the maze. Soon others followed. I zoned out as I took calming breathes. "Silence!" Everyone became quiet. I noticed Hermione watching me closely. I looked at her and subtilly winked. She grew confused as she started to look around the crowd. "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory," people stood and cheered. I smiled as Cedric's father clapped my back and grabbed my hand, hoisting it into the air. I mentally sneered but kept it together. I put my hand down. "And Mr. Potter," people stood and cheered again. "Tied for first position, they shall first enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum, and Ms. Delecour." I saw Mad-eye appear and kept it together. "First person to touch the cup will be the winner!" People cheered. "Some of the staff will patrol the perimitter for any point a contestant wishes to withdraw from the task he or she need send up red sparks with their wands... Contestants, gather around. Quickly!" He turned and we walked to him and gathered around. "In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep instead you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you can but be very warry, you could just lose yourselves along the way." With that he turned and Harry and I moved to our startin positions. "Potter," he looked over at me. "Good luck." He smiled. "You to." He said. I nodded and stood upstraight. I looked back at Hermione and saw she muttered 'professor?' I nodded subtilly and turned back to the maze. I calmed myself and took off when the cannon went off. I turned back and saw the entrance close up. I concintrated on the maze and transported myself to the cup by using its magic signature. I waited an hour for Harry to show up, where I pretended to run up. "Together?" He asked as the wind blew threw the maze angrily. "Together!" We both grabbed the cup and got that pull from behind our navels as we were Apparated out of the maze.

I landed on my back as the cup rolled away. I groaned and got to my feet. "You, okay?" I asked. He got to his feet too. "Yeah, you?" He asked.
"Mhm." I looked around and saw the house and we were standing in a graveyard. "Where are we?" I asked, not making it sound suspicious. We walked around a large grave. "I've been here before." Harry said. I looked at the cup. "It's a portkey." I said in astonishment. "Cedric, we have to get back to the cup!" I heard a door open and came to stand beside Harry with a fake wand pointed at the intruder. Harry dropped to the ground, screaming and clutching his scar. "Who are you what do you want?!" I demanded. "Kill the spare!" I knew this was going to hurt. "Avada Kedavra!" Hissed Wormtail. A jet of green hit me and I was thrown to the side as pain washed over me but when I hit the ground, I stppped breathing and made my eyes glaze over as Harry was levitated and pinned in a statue's arms. Harry cried out as I made time still. I got up and conjured a dead body and and placed it exactly how Cedric landed. I enchanted it to look like Cedric as I turned back to myself. I looked toward Harry and sighed. I turned into a Ravin and started time again as I landed on a tomb stone. "She is here. Do it, now!" Voldemort hissed. Wormtail dropped him into the cauldron while taking the dagger. "I command you, Harvinger... show yourself!" He squeeked. I turned normal as I stood and walked into view. I saw Harry starring at me with realization. "Gather the ingredients!" He snapped and threw me the list. I looked down and glared at the paper then dropped it to the ground. I summoned the bone from the grave that held Harry captive and threw it into the cauldron. Wormtail got the rest as he got the rest. I entered Harry's mind. "Your might be angry, Harry but I did all this because he has that dagger which can control me. I need to get it to get you out of here." I felt his hope grow. "I knew you wouldn't abanddon me!" I smirked. "Never." I left his mind and saw the cauldron bubble and melt away until a figure emmerged, fully cloaked. Wormtail handed him back the dagger and I slid my hand down to the handel of the left thigh throwing knife. I took my chances and grabbed it, throwing it towards Voldemort but Wormtail deflected it. I went for my other but Voldemort pointed the dagger at me. "I command you, Harvinger, to stop." I froze and struggled to throw it. "Drop the knife." I dropped it. "Wormtail, call my followers." He hissed, never taking his eyes off me. Wormtail did as instructed. "Your a pathetic coward." I sneered. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Drop that dagger and lets see what kind of wizard you truly are." I challenged. "I am a powerful wizard, yes but I am not a fool. You are over thousands of years old and immortal. I don't even come close to your power and skill level." I narrowed my eyes. "I will enjoy making you scream." I hissed. He clicked his tongue. "I command you to stand over by Potter but do not help him." I backed away as an invisable force made me. I stood beside the statue. Harry was struggling. The silent night air was suddenly full of cracks, signalling Death Eaters had arrived. They kissed the hems of his robes. He ripped their masks off and there was Dolohove. I smirked and he glared at me. There was no sign of Igor or Severus. I changed into my Harvinger outfit magicly and my wings appeared. "As you all see, I have complete control over the Harvinger!" They cheered. He turned toward me and freed Harry. Harry hit the ground but grabbed his wand before scrambling to his feet. Voldemort pointed the blade at me. "I command you, Harvinger to attack Harry Potter." I turned and blocked an oncoming spell from Harry. He understood. I subtilly motioned my head to the blade and he got it. I shot spell after spell at him but he dodged it. He ran past me as I turned and fired a spell, hitting Voldemort causing him to drop the blade. Harry grabbed it and I threw up a shield around him to stop the oncoming spells. He ran back towards me. He hid behind me as I blocked all the spells and shot some back. "HARRY, TAKE THAT BLADE AND GIVE IT TO MINERVA, ONLY MINERVA!" I shouted over the chaos. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO BE?" He shouted back. I didn't answer him. "NO!" He shouted but I lowered my shield and transported him, the body, and the cup back to the arena as 15 different spells hit me causing me to fly backwards and hit a statue. I landed on my side and winced. I raised my shield and shot Voldemort backwards as he finally got to his feet. I gotto my feet and extended my wings. I flapped them and the gust of wind knocked them off their feet. I transported myself out of there.

I landed as cries echoed around the arena. Walked to Mr. Diggoy and hoisted him to his feet. I slipped a note in his pocket and transported him back to his home. I fell to my knee weakly as my wings dissappeared. I felt someone pull me to my feet and hold me close. I looked up and met the eyes of Severus. "Its begun." I whsipered. He nodded and helped me back towards the castle.

I laid beside Severus in my chambers as he ran his fingers through my hair. We were both naked and sweaty. "This can not continue." I whispered. He stopped and got out of the bed. "So what, your cutting me off? Shutting me out?" He snarled. I sat up. "Your such an idiot." I spat. "An idiot about what? Thinking you had changed?"
"No!" I shouted in protest. "Then what?! Why are you pushing me away this time?!" He demanded. "Because I love you!" I shouted back. I couldn't believe I had said it... and I was sober. It was silent. He got into the bed and aggressively grabbed me, crashing his lips against mine. The blade laid destroyed and melted in the hearth of the fire as we rolled around in the bed, making love.

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