Chapter 27

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I sat at my desk, that night my Ravin flew in and landed beside me. I took the letter from its beak and the Ravin flew off. I saw the letter was from Bookworm (Hermione) and opened it.
Dog says the chicks are all being watched. The Ravin is our only protection if they succeed in removing The Pheonix from the nest. The worms believe we are forming a flock to rise up and eat them. No more chirping for awhile.


Sirius says we are all being watched. You are only protection if they succeed in removing Dumbledore from the school. The Ministry believes we are building an army to rise up and seas control of the Ministry. Everyone must lay low for awhile.

I crumpled the paper and incinerated it. The clouds rolled in a claps of thunder rolled over head.

The next weekend, I walked into the Hogs head. "One thats experianced at fighting the Dark arts." I heard Hermione say. I went unnoticed. "Why?" Some kid said. "Because Voldemort is back." I jumped in. They turned to look at me. "Says him." The kid said. "So Dumbledore says." Hermione interjected. "So Dumbledore says because he says. The point is wheres the proof?" He asked. I smirked and took his cup of water. "You all want proof?" I tossed the water up in the air and it floated to form a mirror. I waved my hand and an image glowed on the water. It showed Voldemort sitting on his thrown torturing a Death Eater. They gasped as the water then fell to the floor with a splash. I walked over and stood beside Harry. I zoned out as I felt someone was calling me. "I have to go but any student who agrees to this will know that they have my protection. You'll find the seventh flour to ne a good area." I noticed some relaxed. I transported myself out of there.

I appeared Dumbledore's office where the Minister sat across from Dumbledore. "Ah, Ms. Blackthorn!" He greeted. I nodded. "I have come here to offer you a job-" "I'm not interested." I cut him off. He looked a bit red in the face when he noticed my ring. "Who is the lucky man?" He enquired. "Not your concern, Cornilius." I shut him down. He rose to his feet. "If you would pledge your allegiance to the Ministry then this would go smoother." He growled. "I will do no such thing. I do not recognize your authority or your corupt orginization." I sneered. He smirked as Aurars walked in. I looked towards them then back at the Minister. "I thought you might want to remove me which is why I put a safety procatioun in place," he frowned. "If I do not write once a day to a mutual friend then letters will find their way into the hands of parents that list every hanis thing that has gone on here." I said casualy as he paled. He then glared. "For now." He hissed and Apparated away. "I want you to go to Headqaurters and spend some time with him until Christmas." I nodded.

I appeared in Sirius' room as he slept on his back. I took off my robe and removed my clothes. I let my hair down and got on his bed quietly. I laid my head on his shoulder and put my leg on him as I snuggled in. "Chistina." He moaned in his sleep. I saw his tented boxers. I vanished them and climbed ontop of him. I impaled myself on him as his eyes shot open and he arched his back as his mouth fell hopelessly open. He grabbed my hips as I rocked back and forth. He sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist, thrusting up into me causing me to skreich. He latched onto my nipple and started to roll it in his mouth as I noticed we started to move franticly. I screamed his name as he empaled me harder than he ment to. He grunted as we both neared our finish. When we came we fell onto the bed, entwined with eachother. He smiled and kissed my lips.

I walked through the Department of Mysteries with Arthur Weasley. "Yes so that was the first time the twins turned Molly blue." I chuckled and we stopped. I frowned, I heard a hissing. "Do you hear that?" He asked. We turned as a snake struck Arthur. I blasted it backwards but something sent me flying into a shelf. I groaned and scrambled over to Arthur who laid in his blood. I was then struck in the neck causing me to cough and gurgle on my blood as the snake dissappeared. I was gasping as I laid on Arthur and transported us to Headquarters.

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