18: The Leatherbacks

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    We only took Nux, Femur, Tommi, The Dag, Furiosa and I. Let's just say we have learned our lesson about leaving home defenseless. Besides, we decided that on the off chance the Leatherbacks wanted to chase us off, we would easily be able to escape unscathed.

      I hoped up onto the back of Nux's car, eying the rig Jr. longingly. Furiosa insisted that each vehicle have a lancer. I volunteered to do it, because though I knew Nux would attempt to be my lancer if he got the chance, he was the sicker one of the both of us. If Larry and Berry decided to attack his windpipe in the middle of this raid, he would simply tumble off the side of the war rig before I could get out. I shivered despite the hot sun rolling over my skin. I haven't given much thought to Nux's condition lately, as my mind was crowded with the mounting death toll in these past weeks. He never complained, never bothered to wake me in the night if he was breaking out in fever. It scared the hell out of me, knowing that in his fragile state he may slip into death at any moment. Isn't that why he wanted to die in war all those months ago?

     Nux's car started, startling me from my thoughts. Furiosa's gigahorse padded forward, snarling at anything around it. We followed her, the buggie looking miniscule in comparison. Femur's vehicle was behind us, with Tommi's tall figure standing on its back. We filed out of the Citadel's maw, like a pack of wolves on the hunt. As usual our natural war boy habits began to surface, and I whooped into the hot air. It was amazing how a ride could lift my spirits like a well-earned drug. The juice I had consumed the night before didn't even come close to this. It was almost as if Valhalla was at my fingertips, and I could almost taste the chrome.

      Alas, the Leatherback's territory was not a great distance away. It had only felt like seconds later when I spotted a large cluster of shelters made from cloth and sheets of metal. People swirled about the area like swarming flies, so much so that it was hard to see the ground between each body. I could practically feel their eyes fixate on us even if we were not close enough to tell. Some of the figures rushed into their homes in what seemed like fear. Furiosa visited the Leatherbacks only once since Immortan's downfall, in order to announce her leadership. They didn't appose the change, for they hardly cared for Immortan. I guessed that they would have liked Furiosa as leader much better. After all, Joe was the one who brainwashed young boys into flinging themselves into death by the hundreds. 

      Slowly, the village came into focus. Each house was shabbier than the last, and were a thrown together masses of material. It was as if they scraped the earth bare of anything salvageable and they slapped it together into something like a house. The few people who were still outside were decked out in at least one piece of leather. The black of the material seemed to flicker from every angle. I knew what they were thinking, war boys didn't just show up without warning unless something was wrong. Where we here to harm them? To kidnap their children and girls for war pups and breeders? By the tension set in each of their shoulders, they couldn't tell. 

    Furiosa hopped down from the Gigahorse's towering height, both of her hands up. The stance she was in reminded me of when we stopped to give guzzaline to the canyon riders six months ago. The suspicion didn't leave the Leatherbacks' faces as she took a few steps forward, stopping in front of her car.

     "We are here in peace. I need to speak to the chief." Furiosa called out.

     A man with long hair pulled back in a ponytail emerged from the flock of black clad citizens. His face had a fox-like quality to it, with eyes that slanted upwards and a long, pointed nose. There was a clean stripe of facial hair running across his jawline, and a pink scar slicing over the corner of his mouth. I noticed that this man was wearing more leather than all of his comrades, including a spiked jacket, pants, gloves, and boots. His ears had piercings running up their lengths, with a horn-shaped plug stretching one of his earlobes.

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