11: Lovely Wife

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"What does this say?"

     I held up the little bucket, turning it so the smudged writing was facing the group of war pups. They all leaned forward a bit, squinting their eyes to make out the symbols.

     "I know!" Gunner squeaked, waving his arms above his head.

     I gave the child a nod, telling him to give me his answer.

     "Keep...ow-t...of...re-ah-ch...of...children." the boy chirped, his big eyes shining with the desire for praise.

     I flashed him an encouraging smile, "Good!" I set the bucket on the stone floor, scooping up an old manual that I found in one of the war boys' cars, "How about this?"

     This time, Tar blurted out his guess before any of the pups could speak, "Owner's manu-ah-l!"

     "Correct." I laughed, placing the guide on top of the bucket. I stood from the crate I was sitting on, stretching, "Well, pups, that's all for today. You're free to go." With that, I shooed them away, dismissing them to the other caves.

     I followed them out of the pups' sleeping quarter, strolling through the stone corridors and towards the upper floor. It was becoming easier and easier to navigate the tunnels every day, and I was even starting to see the apeal in them. There was a sort of kinship in the air between the war boys that seemed to radiate off of them. These guys grew up with one another, they've been to war and beyond with each other. It was no wonder they were so loyal to their cult, as it was like their family. 

    I passed the Organic Mechanic on my way up, he was going in the same direction as me, and was holding a tank and some tubing. Once I realized he was also going up to the vault, I turned to face him,

     "What are you doing?" I asked, trying to keep the suspicious edge out of my voice.

     The Mechanic scoffed, "Femur told me that one of ya needed Rictus' old breathin' tubes." He retorted, with a tone that told me he didn't wish to talk to me any longer.

     I soaked in the information he just told me. Why would anyone in the vault need breathing tubes? It could be The Seed Mother, for I could see that the old age was creeping up on her. Then it hit me, like a dull thump to my head. It was Angharad. I knew she has been fussy and wheezy ever since she woke up this morning. Would she inherit her father's diseased genes? I shuddered at the thought of that man. He has left his mark on us, one that we could never wash away. I still feel his gnarled hands ghosting on my skin, or see the wolf-like huger in his red-rimmed eyes. I ran my palms over my arms lightly, trying to smooth out the goosebumps that have appeared there. I wrestled the terrible thoughts away, forcing them into a dark corner of my brain.

     With the Mechanic behind me, I dragged the door of the vault open. I strained my ears for the sound of an infant crying, but heard nothing. I craned my head around,

     "I'll take those inside, the baby's sleeping." I whispered to the older man, lifting the equipment from his arms. He didn't say anything, just turned on his heel and stalked off.

     I crept inside, my every footsteps echoing loudly in the quiet. I peeped into the bedroom, where I found The Dag sleeping curled up around Angharad. A fond smile tugged at the corner of my mouth, and I placed the tubes just outside of the door. My gaze searched for the other girls. Cheedo and the Seed Mother were sitting near the pool, heads bent close to one another and hissing out quiet words that I couldn't make out. There were small piles of seeds between them, all separated out into categories. Miss Giddy was rummaging through our book supply, mumbling things to herself. Toast was leaned up against the far wall, with a black shotgun laid across her lap. She was fiddling with the clip, banging on it with the heel of her hand and shaking it.

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