9: Interrogation

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     "So they're awake then?" I asked coldly.

      Femur nodded once, not meeting my gaze. His painted face was stony as we walked, his scar shaped like a gear around his right eye catching the light. I didn't mean my anger towards him specifically. The reason that rage burned like an inferno in my chest was because Femur was taking me to the Gastown boys that we captured in their raid two days ago. They had been beaten bloody, and needed to be cleaned up a bit before we pried information from them. Two of the five boys had died in the attack, one broken neck and the other cracked his head against the stone too hard. I felt savage satisfaction at the thought, but it hardly quenched my thirst for revenge. If I had it my way, I would be alone with the three Gastown boys so that I may do with them as I please to get information from them. Alas, Furiosa dubbed me too unstable to handle them alone. I wasn't sure to take that as a compliment or not, as she was implying I would be able to easily take on three soldiers bare handed. My first thought was that Nux would have been sent with me to interrogate the prisoners, but I thought wrong. I was paired with Femur here, as he had the personality of a mud puddle. Apparently Furiosa thought that Nux may be a bit unstable around the Gastown boys too, since he knew Hummer well. The only reason I was sent at all was because I was an Imperator. 

      Femur didn't loose his cool much, unlike most of the war boys. He always had this dull, dead look in his pale green eyes. He had a pretty big build, but was a hair shorter than I was. Normally, the war boys towered over me, despite the fact I was pretty tall for a female. I was around 5'7, from what I could guess. Our measuring tapes were normally pretty faded and we didn't bother measuring ourselves anyways. He also had a small cluster of tumors blooming on the back of his neck, making him always appear hunched over even when he was standing straight up.

We walked silently, winding through the tunnels expertly. We had them chained up where we used to keep the Bloodbags when they weren't needed in the Organic's. It was a chilly, closed off cavern that was locked up with a set of metal poles. There was a padlocked door on it, which the key the Organic Mechanic kept for himself most of the time. I had it clutched in my trembling hand right now, the sharp end digging into my rough palm. As the jailhouse came into sight, I could make out three figures huddled together at the far wall. A mixture between a smirk and a scowl twisted my scarred lips, my heart slamming against my rib cage. These men set out to murder the sick war boys two days ago. Their comrades killed my apprentice, and I was not going to let that go lightly.

We both had our fair share of self-defense weapons. We knew these Gastown boys would put up a nasty fight if they saw the opportunity. I, for one, was not at all afraid of them attacking me. It would just give me all the more reason to rip their pathetic throats out. What cowards, attacking sick war boys while they slept. They didn't even want to stab them or shoot them! They just meant to burn them alive, save themselves the trouble. It was absolutely disgusting, and made me glower down at the bruised men as I jammed the key in the padlock and open the door. Knowing my look of pure hatred and rage would burn into their skin, I met all three of their eyes. They were beyond lucky that Femur was with me, because if he wasn't I wouldn't hesitate to pound their faces to a pulp. Such worthless, evil scum.

They came into the Citadel wearing gas masks that concealed their faces, as well as many other means of protection wrapped around their bodies. We have since stripped them of anything besides their last layer of clothing, wanting to make sure that had nothing hidden. Now the only thing that stood in front of me were three dirty, beaten men. One had light skin and dark hair, his beard coming in with stubble on his chin and cheeks. He was a gaunt man with sunken eyes and cheeks, and a look in his eyes that screamed of insanity. When he pulled his lips back to sneer at me I noticed he had hardly any teeth, just pointed black nubs. The second man had eyes that looked narrow and pinched, and his nose was flat like he had smashed his face against the hood of a car. He had a nasty cut across his nose, and his hair was spiked up with what I thought was oil. The third man was all muscle, and his skin color was undecided due to the fact he was covered in black dust. His dark blue eyes were the only spot of color on him, and even they glowed with a zombie-like aura.

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