21: Gastown Boys

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     I thank the skies that Mayor Dominari doesn't have much time to come for me. I am left in the stifling confinements of this prison all day and all night. I can't even stand up to my full height in here, as my head bumps into the ceiling. My wrists are rubbed raw by the cuffs around them, so much so that the metal is stained red with my blood. Drayko is still on guard duty for me the next night. As the Mayor sleeps only feet away, he unravels his plan to me. He is going to get us out by disgusting us as soldiers. We may have to take out some other Gastown Boys on the way, but I assured Drayko that Max and I can handle that. After that we need to steal a car and we will be off. Hopefully they won't send a war party after us, because if that was the case we wouldn't have a chance. If we can slip out of here and be long gone before they even realize we are missing, we would make it.


     The sun in setting on the second day, and I am alone. Dominari is in the circled table room, counting up the amount of guzzaline that was produced today. My heart was hammering at my throat at the anticipation. Drayko was due here any second with a gas mask and some fresh clothes. Dominari has left me alone these passed two days as he was under the impression that I still wasn't fit for breeding. If he decided to try again tonight, our escape would be delayed.

      A dark head of hair poked through the curtain, eyes wide and wary. Seeing that the mayor was not here, he scurried inside. His head was still snapping from side to side as he approached the bars. He lifted up the stack of folded clothes with a dusty gas mask atop, smiling a little.

     "Snagged these from the trunk of a car." He breathed, slipping them through the bars and into my hands. I hastily placed the treasures in the darkest corner of the safekeeping. It was a lame attempt to hide them, but I didn't have any other choice. I would have to block Dominari's sight of the costume with my body if he comes back. 

     "Wait until Mayor's asleep before putting them on. Oh, I also brought this, and this-" he dug out a small blade and a key from his pouch, handing it to me, "So you can cut your hair. And unlock the chains."

     I gave him a single nod. I knew for a fact that cutting my hair was necessary, because it was the most noticeable feature on me. If one of the gastown boys saw a comrade with wild curls the color of blood, they would figure us out right away. I also made a mental note to be sure to use the knife if Dominari tried to stop us on the way out. The image of sinking the blade deep into the mayor's heart made my mouth twitch with savage satisfaction.

     Drayko nodded back, turning and walking out. I slid the knife under the clothes, then sat down in front of them. I arranged my skirt so that they concealed any bit of dark fabric poking out. It couldn't be long now. Even hulking man-beasts like Dominari had to sleep sometime.

      When I did hear the clomping footsteps of the mayor, I leaned my head back against the wall and pretended to be asleep. Though I peeked from under my lashes at the blurry form of the mayor climbing into his bed. I could feel his eyes burning into me, tracing over the curves if my body like a wolf watching a sheep. I suppressed a shiver, clenching my jaws together hard. 

     It felt like an eternity before the sound of Dominari's heavy breath steadied to a snore. I opened my eyes and checked his sleeping figure. His back was to me now, his chest rising and falling with every snort that rose from his throat. I slowly picked up the key and wiggled it into the lock, and with a little click! I knew I was free. I carefully pried them off, placing them to the floor as quietly as I could. Then I grabbed a hold of the blade and lifted it to my hair. I didn't hesitate, just sliced a chunk of the thick curls off and dropped them to the concrete. One cut after another, the bright stands fell. Soon enough I had hair the same length as Drayko's, hanging only down to my ears. I untied the skirt from around my waist, then took that fabric and smeared the browning blood from my wrists onto it. Once it looked good and dirty, I tore a piece from it and tied it around my head to hide my hair. I slipped the shirt over the soft cloth on my chest. It was a dark green, sleeveless shirt that was dusted with soil. Drayko also left me a pair of gray cargo pants that only went down mid shin. The pockets made soft clinking sounds, as they were filled with random trinkets and junk. I flinched when Dominari grumbled a bit in his slumber, but didn't wake.

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