2: Fiery Hair

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     It was a quiet morning, with me waking in the soft bed in the vault. For a few fleeting moments I was back in my prison, my hell on earth. I could almost hear the locks being undone, hear Immortan Joe's boots clomping into our room. I shooed the thoughts away as I sat up, running a hand through my thick hair. I quickly fixed the messy mass of red curls into two braids, sighing with relief as I could see properly again. I slid out of my bed, careful not to wake Toast, who was snoring in the bed beside me. I was glad to have my bed back, as I had to sleep on the floors when Nux used mine. Sometimes I can still catch whiffs of his scent in the sheets, like guzzaline and war paint. It was comforting, to have the old smells gone. It was like a fresh start, this place wasn't my prison any longer, it was a place of rebirth.

   I heard a grunt in the bed on the other side of me, I turned to see The Dag hauling herself to her feet, her belly sticking out with her unborn baby. A rush of emotion attacked my heart, nostalgia, and happiness. It made me think of Angharad Splendid. I was so excited ti see Splendid's baby be born outside of the slavery and the evil of its father. But they were both taken from us. It was so very unfair, and I asked the skies above back then how they could have done it. Was she and her baby residing int he heavens? I hoped so, because they deserved it more than anyone.

     "Goodmorning, Capable." The Dag mumbled, stretching her skinny arms above her head.

     I nodded in response, plucking my goggles from the floor beside the bed. I put them on, using them to push the flyaway strands of hair from my face, "I'm going down to the caverns," I told the dark haired girl as I walked to the door.

    The Dag chuckled lightly, "As you always do."

   I shot her a mock glare of anger, stepping out of the massive circular door and closing behind me. Instantly I was met with voices and streams of moving bodies. Furiosa was directing them with gestures of her metal arm. I weaved my way around the war boys, milk mothers, and miscellaneous staff. Then dipped my head towards the older woman in greeting, and she returned the favor.

    "Is there anything I could help with?" I asked her, folding my hands behind my back.

    She nodded once, pointing with her thumb towards the war boys' caves, "Imperator Feral and Nux needed a word with me, could you take care of that?" her deep green eyes were distracted with the bustle around her. She didn't wait for me to answer, just was swept away with her other duties.

    I headed down through the tunnels, squinting against the dim quality of those windowless caves, how could the war boys stand this? It took me a bit of time, but I finally emerged into the black thumbs cave, where I suspected the war boy and girl would be.

   I spotted them at once, both inspecting Nux's battered car. Feral was explaining something to the war boy, her painted and scarred face twisted with a sheepish grin. Through the black rims of her eyes, and the little slits on her lips, I was able to see beauty. Since the first time I saw her, I could see why Immortan had taken her. It hurt my heart to see this radiance shining through her years of wear and tear, because that was the reason she was stolen. It was the same reason we were all taken. I always wondered if she painted her face and covered them in marks to destroy the beauty that has destroyed her. I understood that pain, because I feel the same kind of pain every day. If I was born with undesirable flaws, I would have been left alone.

   Reality came back into focus when Nux caught sight of me and waved me over. I strode over to where they were both standing, bending down to get a closer look at Nux's car. The back end had a huge dent in it, and was missing a bumper, "What happened here?" I questioned with a raise of my eyebrow.

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