8: Angharad Splendid

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     My boots pounded across the stone floors, echoing the sound of my heart. Nux was not far behind me, and I could practically hear his fear. Neither of us know a lick about babies, or having them for that matter. It scared the hell out of me, because I didn't know what was going to happen. The look Capable had in her eyes was not something to count on.

     But it was something to distract myself. Dread, worry, and fear were all swirling in my body, but I felt alive. In all of those hours that Hummer has been dead, I've felt that I've died a little bit too. The only thing I could bring myself to feel was sadness and regret. Happy wasn't exactly the word I would use for this event happening, but I was relieved to be able to take my mind off of Hummer.

     We both decided that Cheedo must be with the injured war boys. It was a wonder to me that her and The Dag would even stand to be apart for this long. I have noticed over the time I've spent with these women that Cheedo and The Dag were closer to one another than the other girls. During Fury Road, they were always clinging to one another as if for dear life. If Capable was scared for the pale haired girl, I couldn't imagine how Cheedo will feel.

      I came to a halt so suddenly that Nux bumped into me. I snapped my head from side to side, searching frantically for Cheedo. Her dark head appeared in my line of sight, she was wrapping a burn on a nameless war boy's arm. She was carrying pouched of leaves and herbs at her belt, the emerald standing out like headlights in the dark. 

     "Cheedo!" I shouted, waving my arms above my head to get her attention.

     She looked up at us, her dark eyes narrowing with confusion. At the frantic air in my voice and expression, she stood and wove her way towards us.

     "What is it?" She asked.

     I pointed behind me with my thumb, "Its The Dag, her baby's coming." I panted.

     Cheedo's face paled, and she bolted down the stone corridors faster than I could change a tire. I clamped my jaws closed, as there was no need to tell the girl where The Dag was now that she was gone.

     An uncomfortable prickling sensation rippled over my skin as my gaze fell upon the entrance of the black thumb's cave. I noticed that the V8 shrine was damaged as well. Some of the wheel's decorations were destroyed, leaving behind only skeletons of steering wheels. I winced and turned away from it, facing Nux.

     "I'm going to see if I can help them or somethin'." I mumbled, pushing past the war boy. I wanted anything than to relive the nightmare from last night.

     "I'll come with ya." Nux said quickly, jogging to catch up with me. I wasn't sure why he was coming. Was it because he worried for me? The thought made me clench my jaw tightly. I was not a fragile little bird who needed to be tended to, but I didn't voice my opinion, for I knew he meant well. Maybe he just wanted to see The Dag's baby.

     The walk was long and quiet, to my dismay. I wished someone would fill this empty space with sound, so that it may silence the bitter thoughts in my brain. My inner voice mocked me, blamed me for leaving Hummer behind. It even sneered at me that I shouldn't dare to go see The Dag's new baby after I got a child killed. I felt the tightness in my throat returning, and my lungs ached as if I was breathing in tainted air again. I picked up my pace, trying to shove the thoughts down before they could consume me like the deformities of the wretched.

     Once we came upon the vault, I reached out hesitantly and turned the metal bars to open it. The heavy door swung open, letting out a flood of noise that was so sudden I jumped backward.

     There was a pained moaning, almost the same as the one I heard when I came to visit Botts. That seemed like eons ago. Then there was fervent chatter of women. I could hear Capable, Toast, and Cheedo all talking to one another. Then I could here two elderly women's voices fireing orders back and forth. I immediately recognized them as The Mother of Seeds and Miss Giddy. They both spent much of their time in the vault with the sisters, and helped Furiosa establish order to the Citadel. Miss Giddy is being slowly converted into a full time teacher for the war pups, even though she was wary of the idea at first. The Mother of Seeds, the last of the Vuvalini, commits all of her time to the little green place. She is a master of the plants and promises to be able to help give us healty crops in less than a year.

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