13: New Recruits

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     "Oi! Wake up!" I hissed, shaking the war pup's bony shoulders. His head lolled to one side like rag-doll, his eyelids cracking open to show rolled back eyes. V8...I though, they hit this one good.

      He was nearly of age, looking to be about fifteen. I suppose he could help us prepare the fleet? My mind was whirling with strategies and calculations. It was almost like back in the days of Immortan Joe's rule, when my whole life depended on little day-to-day plans that kept me away from a war boy's cruel hands. I disliked being afraid again. I wanted to believe that all of those things were behind me. I would never have to worry that while I slept I hand could slip over my mouth while the other undoes the belt of my pants. But the paranoia slithered back into my gut, twisting and pulling at my insides like a predator toying with prey. Everything was going wrong. Capable was kidnapped, war boys were injured. There is no more room for mistakes. 

     With a gasp and a groan, the pup awakened. He swatted at my hands frantically, his expression wild and livid. Then, he relaxed as he realized there was no Gastown boy in front of him.

     "Can you stand?" I asked sternly, but not unkindly.

     He blinked a few times, then nodded slowly.

     I jerked my head to the left, "Then go to Organic and 'ave him check ya over." I ordered, shooing the boy away.

     On to the next one. This one was not a pup, but he was as skinny as one. He may have been older than me, twenty or so years old by the looks of it. There was a small bleeding wound blooming at his temple. I felt a fresh wave of prickling guilt, All my fault. I gripped his arm and shook him awake. His jaw worked for a few seconds, his eyes squeezing shut as if to block out the world. Then, they peeked open. Two hazel eyes framed by black smears met my gaze. I drew my hand away from him, suddenly feeling as if I shouldn't try to be friendly because I was the reason he was hurt in the first place.

     "Can ya stand?" I asked for the millionth time.

     He reached up and lightly touched the wound on his head, staining his hands crimson. He gave me a confused glance, but grunted out a "Yes," all the same. 

     This went on for another five minutes, as the other able-bodied war boys were all doing the same job as me. The Organic's cave was stuffed to the brim with swaying bodies. I thought briefly that I should get Cheedo and The Dag down here to help patch things up, but then I decided against it. They were too busy grieving for Capable.

      But she isn't dead, I told myself. It just couldn't be. Capable, with her hair the color of blood and her eyes shining with strength, could not be killed. There still was this prowling dread seeping through my skin, knowing that good people die for no good reason. I watched my entire tribe, my family, burn to the ground. I saw Splendid's heavily pregnant body be crushed by enormous tires. I sat by and just watched while the last of my mothers were slaughtered. I left my apprentice all alone for moments, only to come back to him up in flames. I fell into a trap, and allowed Botts and all of his comrades to be murdered. Now Capable. Does it ever end? Is the wasteland's hunger ever satisfied? I leaned face-first against the nearest wall, my hands gripping the back of my neck as if in pain. I can't let the bad thoughts fill me, or they would destroy me. I let out a shuddering breath, my throat squeezing uncomfortably, then kept walking. I needed to find Furiosa.

      Sure enough, there she was, speaking to Tommi in a hushed voice. He was almost a head taller than Furiosa, with black rimmed eyes and a pinkish scar running from his cheek down to his jaw. I approached them, face blank and tinged with Imperator authority. Tommi caught sight of my gaze, and upon seeing my serious demeanor, parted with his leader.

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