"Um... well the accelerator went active. We all felt like heroes, and then it all went wrong. A dimensional barrier ruptured, unleashing unknown energies into our world, anti-matter, dark energy, -x elements-"

        "Those are all theoretical," I state, gaining looks from everyone. "Hey, I might not look smart, but trust me, I am," I say.

        "We know," Barry says kissing my forehead. "Or at least I do," he whispered.

        "Thanks," I mumbled my face heating up a bit.

        "And how theoretical is Mr. Allen." Dr. Wells points out. "We've mapped dispersion throughout and around Central City, but we have no way of knowing exactly what or who was exposed. We've been searching for other meta-humans like yourself."

        "Meta-humans?" I asked.

        "That's what were calling them." says Cisco.

        "We saw one today. He's a bank robber, and he can control the weather." Barry says.

        "This just keeps getting cooler!" says Cisco.

        "This is not cool! All right? A man died today. Mardon must have gotten his powers the same way I did." says Barry. "From a storm cloud," Barry says after thinking about it. "We have to stop him before he hurts anyone else!" Barry says turning to leave the room.

        "Barry! That's a job for the police." Wells calls out after him.

        "Yeah, I work for the police." Barry yells back.

        "As a forensic assistant." Wells point out.

        "You're responsible for this, for him," Barry says.

        "Whats important is you! Not me. I lost everything. I lost my company. I lost my reputation. I lost my freedom. And then you broke your arm, and it healed in three hours." Dr.Wells says. I remembered, and it was super crazy. I wish I had that power when I feel of my skateboard and broke my arm."Inside your body, could be a map to a whole new world genetic therapy, vaccines, medicines, treasures Barry. Deep within your cells, and we cannot risk losing everything because you want to go out and play hero. You're not a hero. You're just a young man who got struck by lightning." That's when Barry stormed out of the room.

I was about to go after Barry until Cisco called for me. "Come here for a sec."

        "Not a good time," I say.

        "It's important," he begged. I rolled my eyes and followed him. He hands me a big roll of fabric and a blue print of a suit. "I need you to make this," he states.

        "What makes you think I know how to sew?" I asked.

        "By the way you dress, I know you have some fashion senses, which leads me to believe you can sew. Well I'm hopping you can," says Cisco.

        "You're in luck," I say. "Who is it for?" I asked.

        "Who do you think." Cisco winks as he leaves. I give him a confused look. "Your boyfriend," he says.

        "Barry?" I ask.

        "Unless you have another boyfriend, yes," he says. I roll my eyes.

        "Ha, ah very funny," I say. "Plus he's not my boyfriend." Cisco gave me a sideways look but soon left afterward.


        I'm able to finish the costume and it looks amazing. I hear foot steps from behind. I check the time. Its been five hours, already? I turn around to see Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry.

        "If we're gonna to do this we have something that might help." says Cisco.

        "Something we have been playing with," I say stepping out of the way to show them the costume. "Its design to replace the turnouts firefighter traditionally wear."

        "I thought if S.T.A.R Labs could do something nice form the community, maybe people won't be so angry at Dr. Wells anymore," Cisco says.

        "How is it going to help me?" Barry asked.

        "Its made of reinforcing tri-polymer, it's heat and abrasive resistant, so it should withstand you're moving at high-velocity speed," Cisco explains.

        "And the aerodynamic design should help you maintain control. Plus, it has built-in sensors, so we can track your vitals, and stay in contact with you from here." I say.

        "Thanks," Barry say looking at me with his famous smile. "Now how do we find Mardon?"

        "I re-tracked S.T.A.R Labs satellites to track meteorological abnormalities over Central City," I say walking up the tablet I was using. Everyone gathered around me to see what I was doing. "We just got a ping," I stated. "Atmospheric pressure dropped 20 millibars in matter seconds. I tracked to a farm just West of the city."

        "That was the last place him and his brother hide at," Barry says.

        "You know what to do?" I say with a grin.

        "Yep," says giving me a kiss on the check. With his super speed he puts the costume on and leaves to the farm.

        "Good luck." I whispered.

" I whispered

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