9 - Neymar Jr.

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Y/N's POV:

   "Y/N!" my friend yelled. "You don't have anymore food!"

   "Yeah, I know, you ate it all fatass," I said.

   "I'm hungry," he whined. "Neymar's tummy wants food." He patted his bare tummy. He was walking around shirtless since it was like one hundred degrees outside.

   "Well then tell your tummy to eat," I said pushing him away from me. I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. He followed me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Get me some food, Y/N," he mumbled.

"Why can't you get it?" I asked and turned around to face him.

"Because it's your turn, remember? That, and when we're at my house, we do everything you want and everything I want at your house. I'll also get mobbed if I go outside."

"You suck big time," I said releasing myself from him. "I hate you, a lot."

"I love you too, bestie," he smiled and threw me my car keys.

The things I do for this loser.


"Alright, I'm back!" I yelled. Seconds later, he came running from the livingroom and grabbed the bag from my hands. "You're welcome, idiot."

"Thank you," he muffled stuffing his face with french fries.

   I went towards him and stole a handful of french fries from him. He quickly snatched my hand preventing me to have them. "You ate my whole entire refrigerator, I think I'm allowed to take five fries."

   He groaned and released my hand. "Fine."

   As he was about to shove another fry into his mouth, I quickly shoved the five fries in my hands into his mouth. My finger got caught in his mouth and he bite down on it. I winced in pain but still kept laughing. His face was priceless.

   "Aww, let go," I said. He stopped biting my finger and opened his mouth to let the fries fall out. That was a nasty view. He looked up at me with a disbelief look.

   "You just got rid of six fries," he said. I laughed and sneaked a ketchup packet in my hand. I quickly opened it and squeezed it on top of his head. I smeared in his hair and he looked at me in disbelief. "Y/N!"

   I quickly ran away from him hearing his footsteps right behind me. He grabbed my arm and I squirmed out of his grip. I ran into my bedroom, only realizing there was no way out.

   "Well that was smart, getting yourself locked into your bedroom," he smirked and walked towards me. I started laughing at him as I held onto my drawer to myself from losing my balance.

   "Before you think of hurting me, wash your hair. It smells terrible," I laughed.

   "Y/N, why did you do that?" he frowned.

   "Because it was funny, and you got me last time, but much more worse than this."

   "Much more worse? Well I guess an ice cold wake up call is worse than this. No, this is my hair," he exclaimed and pointed to his hair.

   "You and your hair," I rolled my eyes but then I realized where I was at. Neymar trapped me between my drawer and my bed.

   "Do you not see where your at?" he smirked and moved towards me. His body was inches away from mine. "You're trapped."

   "I hate you so much," I said, and tried to push him but he didn't bulge. "Neyy."

   "You have three choices, let me tickle you for two minutes nonstop, or I have to rub my hair onto you, or let me kiss you," he smirked. Though, we've been best friends since we were ten we never kissed. He knows that I haven't had my first kiss yet, and he's always wanted to be my first. "The jokes on you, hun."

"I hate you so much," I said.

"I love you too, meu amor." He smiled and leaned down.

"Woah there tiger, how do you know I'll choose to kiss you then to get tickled or be rubbed with ketchup?" I said and put my hands on his bare chest.

"Because you would never want to be tickled and that's incredibly nasty. Let me kiss you please." He begged and wrapped his arms around me waist.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes.

He leaned down towards me and placed his hand on my cheek. His plumb lips touched mine, and he leaned in for a much more deeper kiss. It was a sweet and passionate kiss but gentle and caring at the same time. We both pulled away at the same time.

"You don't understand how long I've wanted to do that," he breathed. His fingers grazed my cheek and moved towards my lips.

"Ney," I breathed. "Lately, I've been getting these feelings towards you, more than friends."

He smiled, "I'm glad, I have too, meu amor."


💚I'm jam packed tired. Sorry I haven't been updating lately.
Next 3:
10) Jonathan Dos Santos [requested]
11) Oscar Emboaba [suggested]
12) Jonathan Dos Santos [requested]💚

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