21 - Rafinha Alcantara

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▶️EmilyJanuzaj ◀️


   "Rafa, where were you?" I yelled as he came inside the house from who knows where. Lately, he's been going out with his "friends" and started coming home at 2am. I feel like our three year relationship is going downhill.

   "With my friends," he replied.

   "Who?" I crossed my arms.

   "Em, relax, I was with Neymar and Dani." He replied.

   I rolled my eyes and headed to our bedroom. I could hear him sigh and follow me. I climbed into bed and shut my eyes. I felt the bed sink and him wrapping his arms around me.

   My eyes began to draw heavy, but I could hear Rafinha whisper something, "I love you, baby, I always will. I'm sorry I've been out late but you'll see why soon. Sweet dreams, Em."

The next morning, I woke up to the sun peeking through the curtains. I was surprised to see Rafinha still asleep next to me, he usually is up before me. He looked so peacefully and innocent with his hair all messy. I dug my fingers in his hair and massaged his head.

He nuzzled his face and his eyes opened a little bit. He smiled, "Goodmorning, baby, don't stop playing with my hair. It feels good."

I laughed and got up, I went straight to the shower. I took a very quick one and got dressed. Rafinha wasn't in the bed anymore, but that didn't worry me.

   As I walked towards the living room, I saw Rafinha watching TV.

   "Baby, can I ask you something?" He asked noticing my presence.


   "Can I take you out?" He asked and got up from the couch.

   "What do you mean?"

   "It's a surprise," he smirked.

   "When?" I asked anxiously.

   "Right now is good, you don't have to be dresses fancy."

"Well, is this good?" I asked.

"Anything is good on you, Emily, let's go then," he clasped my hand with his and started walking towards the door.

We reached outside to his car where he started driving somewhere. The whole ride there he held my hand tightly, and kept a concentrated face on the road. Their wasn't any music playing but it was a peaceful atmosphere.

"We're almost there, Emily," he said.

I peaked out the window and realized we were near the beach. I wasn't sure where Rafinha was intending of going and I wasn't familiar of the roads. He parked the car along the side of the rode and got out. He came around and unlocked the door for me and took my hand. My feet buried into the sand as each step I took, but I enjoyed the feeling.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Shh, baby," he said. "Let me put this over your eyes." He had a blindfold and turned me around.

"No-" I protested.

"Trust me, I'm not gonna put you in danger, Em. Trust me, please." He said as he wrapped the piece of cloth over my eyes. "Take my hand."

I grabbed hold of his hand and let him guide me. We came to a stop and he put me in front of him.

"Take it off, baby." His husky voice whispered in my ear making me get goosebumps.

I took off the blindfold and my eyes widened as I saw what it was. There was a table with roses and candles were everywhere. It looked so lovely that I knew Rafinha couldn't have done it by himself.

"Rafinha, this is so nice, who helped you?" I smiled.

He chuckled, "How did you know I couldn't do this by myself?"

   "It's too wonderful," I laughed.

   "My sister, Neymar, and Rafaella helped me. That's why I have been coming home late, it took a couple of days to finish and get the materials, but we were able to put up everything little by little. I'm sorry I haven't been home, baby."

   I pulled him into a hug and smiled. He's so sweet, "I love you, Rafa."

   "I love you too, Emily."


🌸Omg I feel terrible for letting all you guys down, and taking a long time to get this requested one shot up. I'm so sorry, darling, and all my readers for taking a long time to update. I am desperately trying to update as soon as possible but school and my family are coming in the way. ~Em🌸

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