27 - Jonathan Dos Santos

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Y/N's POV:

"Y/N, go serve Table 35, they've been sitting there for ten minutes," my manager said.

"Okay, I'm going," I said and silently groaned. I've been doing so well at work lately, well at least I think have, but my manager always criticizes me.
At Table 35, two men sat there, very handsome I must add. Heat rushed over my body as I walked over to them. "Hello, can I start you guys off with any drinks?"

The younger man looked up and lightly smiled. "I'll take a cup of coffee, what about you Gio?"

"Coffee too," he looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

"Alright, I'll be back." I said and left.

I quickly made their coffees and then walked back to their table. I could feel my boss's eyes on me, watching my every move.

"Here you guys go," I gave them a light smile. I'm assuming Gio, whispered something into the other man's ear and then walked up.

"Hey, can you stay?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Please, you're a beautiful girl and I want to get to know you." I couldn't help but to blush. "I'm Jonathan."

I shook his hand that he had out and smiled lightly at him. "I'm Y/N, but I have to go back over there, I don't want my boss freaking out."

"Please, Y/N, I won't get you in trouble. If I do, I'll tell him," he winked and placed his hand back onto mine.

"Fine," I muttered.


Jona and I ended up hitting it off real good and he had asked to drop me off home. Of course I told him yes. The whole ride he had our fingers connected.

"Thanks for the ride, Jonathan." I smiled and looked back at him.

"You can call me 'Jona.'" He smiled. "And no problem. And if you don't mind, can I have your number?"

I nodded slowly, "Here." I ripped a receipt and a got a pen from my purse. Once I was done writing it, I looked back up at him and as soon as I did, his lips connected with mine. His lips were soft and plump. The kiss was gentle but passionate at the same time. We pulled away at the same time and stared at eachother. A small smile formed on our faces.

"Tú es hermosa." (You are beautiful.) He said.


A/N: happy birthday Jona! I know this is short and all and crappy and I apologize.

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