15 - Erik Durm

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▶️StellaHarding ◀️


"Stella what's this?" Erik asked as he entered the house. I was preparing dinner as he came.

"What?" I asked not taking my attention off of the spaghetti.

   "This, it says, 'Erik Durm's Girlfriend Leaving A Restaurant With Mysterious Guy.'" He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and finally looked at him.

   He held a magazine with me and my coworkers going to lunch. The picture only showed me and one of my coworkers instead of the three others. Stupid media, and how they edit everything to start drama.

   "That's not-"

   "You're cheating on me!" He yelled and threw a glass cup onto the floor.

   "No I'm not, Erik, let me explain."

   "I don't need one because it's all in here," he said and threw the magazine at me.

   He walked out towards the door and slammed it shut. Silence filled the house as I flipped through the pages.

Erik Durm's three year girlfriend comes out of a restaurant with a mysterious man. Paperazzi have caught them holding hands and hugging each other. Could she be cheating on Erik Durm?

Are they freaking serious? Jacob is a coworker and we weren't ever holding hands! When did we hug? The stupid media has to crop and edit everything just to start drama.

After I realized that Erik was mad at me and probably never wanted to talk to me, I froze. He's my everything and I now we might not ever talk again.

   I quickly and decided to text him. I know I shouldn't do this but he needs to know.

To: Baby ❤️
Jacob is a coworker and I would never cheat on you, please understand this. The media cropped out my other coworkers with me, and edited us holding hands and hugging. I never did that and literally there were three girls with us . . .

   I sighed knowing he wouldn't reply or cared. I started sobbing again and went to go to sleep.

   I didn't get much sleep last night but I remember tossing and turning a lot. I checked my phone and surprised to see I had gotten a message from Erik.

From: Baby ❤️
You never loved me, and I wasted my time on you these past three years. My teammates always told me you brought me bad luck and now I know it's true. I have a game tonight and I don't need your slutty self bringing me bad luck.

   Reading those words stabbed me in the heart. Tears were flowing down again and I curled myself into a ball and cried. I probably might not get back up from this bed at all today. I looked at my bed frame and saw a picture of me that Erik. I grabbed it and threw it across the room. I heard the glass shatter and it falling into the floor hard.

    I looked over at the clock and it read 14:30. It's still the afternoon but I wish I could fall asleep and wake up tomorrow morning. I felt my eyes getting heavy.

   My eyes quickly fluttered open and I realized the time wasn't 14:30 anymore. It was now 23:45, almost midnight. I closed my eyes for a second and open them back up 9 hours later.

I looked back at my phone, 1 message from Erik again, 5 minutes ago. Oh lord.

From: Erik.
Are you awake? I know it's late but I kind of need to talk to you...And first, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I got extremely mad and I deeply regret it. Don't freak out but I'm at your doorstep, let me in please. I'll be here all night and morning if I have to. Please, Stella.

My heart started pounding hard. What if he's just joking and tries to insult even more? What if he doesn't even want to see me and is just here to hurt me and make me feel like crap? What if-stop that.

I quickly brushed my hair and went downstairs. I opened the door and I could see his dark figure sitting on the floor. When he heard the door open, it startled him and made him get up. He turned around to look back at me. His eyes widened when he realized what I was wearing. I looked down and noticed I was in only an oversized shirt and my panties on. The moonlight showed my bare legs. My eyes widened as well.

"Sorry, I wasn't really expecting visitors," I said and let him come in. His familiar scent sent me chills and a comfort feeling.

"It's okay," he mumbled and pulled me into a hug. I wasn't sure what to do because of his sudden action. I stood there frozen and then hugged him back. He dug his head into my neck and I realized he was crying. I'm glad it was dark because we would've seen me blushing hard. "I'm so sorry, Stella. I don't know what got into me. I just thought the worst and thought I lost the love of my life. I love you, baby."

Having him back in my arms comforted me and I felt safe again. "Shh, baby, it's okay. I love you, too."

"You are my good luck charm and I'm not sure if you watched the game, but I played the worst I ever have. I was subbed out during halftime because of my terrible performance. You really are my good luck charm and the love of my life. Now let's go back to sleep?" He said. I nodded my head as he picked me up bridal-style and carried me up the stairs.

He laid me down onto my bed and quickly got onto the other side. He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into him.


🌸Sorry it like literally took a month StellaHarding 😭. Requests are open. Should get another one up by tonight or tomorrow. Three day weekend, turn up! 😁 W/ a lot of homework thoe, smh.
Next 3:
16) Victor Ulloa [suggested]
17) Cristiano Ronaldo [suggested]
18) Sergio Ramos [suggested]🌸

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