6 - Rafinha Alcantara

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Y/N's POV:

   "Rafa, we need to talk," I said and sat down on the couch.

   "What?" he asked and furrowed his eyebrows. He sat down next to me and sighed loudly. I could tell he was more nervous than me.

   "I-I think we should break up," I blurted out and got up.

   "Why?" he asked and grabbed my hand. When I looked at him, he looked extremely hurt.

   "Because, Rafael, I can't do this. I love moving but I also get extremely tired following you everywhere," I said and pushed his hand away.

   "Y/N, I always tell you that you can stay, but you choose to come," he said.

   I ignored his comment and went to our bedroom. I packed most of my clothes, and a picture of him and I on our first date. I not just leaving because of that, but it's also because I'm pregnant. I can't be traveling so much, while there's a little person inside me.

   "Y/N, please don't go," he said and grabbed my arm. I turned around and he stood there with tears in his eyes.

   "Please, let me. I'm so sorry, Rafael," I said and started crying. I walked past him with my suitcase in my hand.

   I could hear him crying, which made me break even more. I looked back at him and he had his head in his shirt. I walked out of the house with tears in my eyes. I going to miss Rafinha so much.


   I picked up Rafael and sat him in his high chair. When he sat down, he started whining. So much for a two year-old. I picked him back up and decided to let him wonder around. He grabbed one of his toys and ran around the house.

   The doorbell rang and I was surprised because Kelly, my best friend, was here earlier than she said she'd be. I opened the door and I could hear Rafa's little steps coming behind me. I looked up and I froze at who I saw, what is he doing here:


   "Rafinha, what are you doing here?" I asked. I must say, he looked even more handsome since I left him.

   "I-I um, I came to see you," he said and scratched his neck.

   "How'd you find out that I lived here?" I asked.

   "By-um your-" he said but we was cut off.

   "Mamá, tengo hambre (Mom, I'm hungry)," Little Rafael said and tugged on my shirt. Wow, this isn't a good time to be saying Mamá.

"Dame un minuto. Ve a jugar con sus juguetes, yo estaré allí en un poco (Give me a minute. Go play with your toys, I will be there in a little bit)." I said to him. He nodded and ran back into the living room.

I looked back at Rafinha, and he looked in my eyes for a second and then turned around. He put his hand over his mouth and then turned back at me. "You know, you could've just told me you moved on. I would have totally left you alone to be with your family."

What he said did hurt me a bit-a lot actually. He still doesn't know that that's his son, and that I never told him. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I'm sorry for coming here," he said.

"Why are you here?"

"Because, I-I um, I wanted to see you, but I should probably go now," he said and turned around.

   "Rafael," I said and stopped him from leaving. Maybe I should probably finally tell him. Before he turned around, Little Rafael appeared in the door again.

   "¿Por qué me llamáis, Mami? (Why are you calling me, Mommy?)" Little Rafael asked.

   I looked at Rafinha and he furrowed his eyebrows. Little Rafa stood there waiting for me to answer. "Yo no estaba llamando a usted, por favor, dame un minuto, Rafa. (I was not calling you, please give me a minute, Rafa.)"

   Rafinha furrowed his eyebrows and then kept walking off. I grabbed his arm to stop, but he snatched it away.

   "Which Rafa are you talking about?" He asked.

   "Him, not you. Look, Rafinha, please don't leave," I pleaded.


   "Mamá, why does he look like me?" Little Rafa said and pointed at Rafinha. Why must little kids be so smart? "Is he my dad?"

   My eyes shot wide open and I sighed. "Yes, Rafa, he is your dad."

   Rafinha looked at me with shock as I said that. He looked down at him and stared at deeply at him. "Y/N, he's my son?"

   "Yes," I said as tears started forming through my eyes.

   "Papi," Little Rafa smiled and stretched out his arms. Rafinha smiled and picked him up. I hope he really likes his father.

   "How come you never told me?"

   "Remember when I left you?" I asked. Rafinha's face fell as I said that. I guess he never got over that.


   "I found out I was pregnant, and I didn't want to suffer it alone. That's why I left you, Rafa." I said.

   He stretched out his arm to embrace me into a hug. I hugged him as I cried in his shoulder. His other arm supported Rafa as he dug his head in between our's. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. Give me another chance, please."

   I nodded my head and tightened my grip around them--around my family.

"Why did you name him after me?" he asked as he kissed my forehead.

"Because I wasn't sure what to name him, and I figured that you had to like your own name," I laughed.

"You know, Y/N, I love having you back in my arms. I'm nothing without you," he said.

"Me neither, thank you for coming out of the blue," I smiled and looked at him. He let go of me and wiped my tears. He looked down at my lips and kissed me. I missed him big plumb lips.

"You're welcome, and did you teach him Spanish as his first language? He speaks extremely good for a two year-old," Rafinha smiled. My knees got extremely weak from staring at his beautiful smile.

"Yes I did," I laughed.

"I'm so happy to have you two in my life. I love you so much, Y/N-and of course my little twin," he said and kissed our foreheads. Little Rafa smiled and leaned on Rafinha's shoulder. I'm so glad to have him back in my life, now we could actually do this as a family.


👾Well that was fun writing! Omg I love Rafinha so much, he's so cute.❤️

Next 5:
7) David Villa [suggested]
8) Kevin De Bruyne [requested]
9) Neymar Jr. [suggested]
10) Jonathan Dos Santos [requested]
11) Oscar Emboaba [suggested]

From now on I'll just be showing the next five one shots. Requesting is open right now but know that it will take a while.👾

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