Chapter 25

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Harsh and cold leaf-fall wind gusted through the silent ThunderClan territory. The fresh-kill pile was extremely low, due to less warriors and more concern about boundaries between WindClan.

Silentmelody curled up in her nest, trying to remain warm against the still cold air that seemed to  freeze the earth. She shifted her tail over her frost-bitten nose.

The only working sweat came from the medicine den, where things weren't as cold. Instead, the den was warmed up with sticky blood and dark breathing from the injured. Sparklepaw was finding it even more intense and hard than she expected the medicine cat duty to be. But that didn't stop her. She would serve her Clan until the day she joined StarClan, she had vowed proudly.

"Sparklepaw," Stormwhisker whispered.

"Yes?" the tawny apprentice answered.

"Fetch a warrior to help collect catmint, we're running low." The old cat ordered, his tangled whiskers twitching. Not a heartbeat was wasted on his focus.

Sparklepaw nodded in responce, and scampered out of the den, wincing as a harsh gust of furious wind blew in her direction. Fluffing her fur to keep warm, she headed towards the warriors' den.

Silentmelody was still in the whisping spell of sleep, and not a frozen ice sheet the slammed into her body could wake her. She was worried, because in this long, dreamless sleep, Jayfeather was no were to be found.

She was desturbed as a faint nudge on her leg presses coldly onto her flesh. Grunting, she flicked her ears towards Sparklepaw without opening her eyes.

"Can you help me collect catmint for Stormwhisker?" The medicine cat apprentice quietly asked.

Rousing up tiredly, Silentmelody yawned and nodded at the same time, puffing up her fur against the cold.

"The only catmint to be found in this climate can only be found on the WindClan border." Sparklepaw informed.

"We can't risk that," a sturdy voice sounded behind them, "No more warriors can get injurred in this moment of war."

Sparklepaw turned around slowly, tilting her head in mock respect. "Well, I'm sorry about that, Wolfheart, the medicine cat's orders must be followed."

Wolfheart flicked his tail, looking into the younger cat's eyes. "Fine, then. I'll come with you, just incase, y'know...WindClan is being WindClan."

Silentmelody saw Wolfheart's deep blue eyes in full respect of the apprentice.

"Good," Sparklepaw said, turning back in the direction of the WindClan border, "More catmint that all of us can carry."

Huge amounts of stalks can be found at the edge of the river separating the Clan boundaries. The three ThunderClan cats dipped their heads to collect the herbs. The wind blowed past their fur, in the direction of WindClan. Wolfheart noticed this.

"We need to hurry," he mumbled under a fresh gathered stalk of catmint, "or else WindClan can scent us easily."

"Just a couple more..." Sparklepaw urged on. Silentmelody picked all of the herb that was around her.

"Remember to leave the roots so others can grow." Sparklepaw informed.

After they were all full of the addicting scent, and their jaws were full, they hurried up to the camp. Suddenly, a yowl sounded behind them, Wolfheart looked behind his shoulder to see a large WindClan cat screech a warning of attack. More enimies gathered together. Eyes wide, the three ThunderClan cats ran up to safety.

But the WindClan cats were no warriors to trick. They ran past the border in a herding pile of flying dust.

"Don't drop the catmint!" Sparklepaw mumbled, as the WindClan warriors where hard on their hind paws.

They were just about the crash into the camp, as Silentmelody stumbled and tripped on a tangle of brambles. She almost chocked as the most of the catmint fell from her jaws. A WindClan warrior pounced on her, slamming the muted warrior down again on the ground. Helplessly Silentmelody tried to stand against the sudden blows and swiped of claws. Wolfheart and Sparklepaw dashed into the hollow, dropping off the catmint at the entry way of the medicine den.

"ThunderClan, get ready for attack!" Wolfheart yowled.

Snaketooth and Metalclaw were pounding out at once, followed by Thunderheart, Silvermist, and Nightfeather. Wolfheart bounded across the bramble barrier, witnessing Silentmelody being almost torn by the WindClan warriors. As a strong tabby tom made contact with his teeth and Silentmelody's neck, he tore into her flesh, and a sudden jolt galloped inside her throat. The muted warrior winced in pain, and in rage, Wolfheart jumped and tumbld ontop of the warrior and tore feircly, through the battling cats. Snaketooth and Metalclaw stood up into action, followed by the other healthy warriors.
"ThunderClan, attack!" Wolfheart exclaimed as he pinned his enemy onto the ground.

Silentmelody was trying to get back up, but the bump in her neck soared with pain. One step by one step, her tattered body was weary and busted, like a butterfly's wing as a kit tore threw it with his tiny claws. The familiar scent of Echowave helped her up to stand, but didn't say anything to get back into action. Wolfheart headed towards Silentmelody in worry.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his thoat clogged with concern.

"I'm fine," Silentmelody responded.

Cliff-hanger! Notice anything different?

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