Chapter 29

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"...And this time...a star had died..."

"Silentmelody...are you okay?!"

"She smells weird..."

"But she's been in her nest the whole time."

"I wonder what she's been going through..."

"Wake up!"

The young warrior flapped open her eyes, staring up at Wolfheart, Echowave, Silvermist, and Moonstar. She felt something tug at her stomach and looked down to see three, tiny scrambles of fur nestling at her side. Her eyes widened as she desperately glared at Wolfheart, and back again to the three kits.

"Wha--who's are these?!" She exclaimed.

Wolfheart stepped closer to her and licked her ear. "You don't remember?"

"You've been asleep for a long time. We all have been worrying about you." Moonstar spoke up.

Silentmelody squinted her eyes to block away the blinding light. "And about how long?"

"Almost two moons." The ThunderClan leader answered.

"Two moons?!" The warrior cried.

"Calm down, dear. Relax." Silvermist instructed. She left the den. It was bigger than her old one, Silentmelody remembered. And the nest was much comfier and large. Not to mention, she also felt a bit bigger. Everything was so bright, like the sun was closer. All she could remember was complete darkness...and the Moonpool still running down through the currents.

"My time has come..."

One of the kits squealed loudly, which suddenly surprised Silentmelody. She curled her tail to make a small border behind the kits. There was a white she-kit dappled with black, light and dark grey. The largest one was black tom with golden slashes on his legs and sides, with a grey underbelly. And the smallest one was a dark grey tom with blue-grey markings in his paws.

They're all so precious. Silentmelody thought, licking their moist pelts.

Silvermist came back with a large looking squirrel and dropped it infront of Silentmelody. Her stomach now growling, she wolfed the fresh meat down her throat.

"She's awake, Stormwhisker!" Wolfheart called outside. The next heartbeat the medicine cat was in front of her, along with his apprentice, Sparklepaw, her green eyes flashing.

"You 'kay, Silentmelody?" Stormwhisker asked, pressing his paw softly on her fat stomach.

"I am now." She answered.

"Do you remember anything?" He implied.

"Umm..." She tried to but it made her mind flow with pain. "The last thing I did was...umm...bump my head on a tree trunk...I think."

"That was two moons ago." Echowave murmed, and turned tail, walking out of the den in shame.

"So you don't remember...these kits?" Sparklepaw spoke up, padding up to greet Silentmelody, who shook her head. Stormwhisker glanced up at Wolfheart, and nodded. "Why don't you tell her." It wasn't much of a question, but an order. The two medicine cats left the den.

Wolfheart sat next to her, asking, "Are you sure you don't remember anything?" But the only answer was a pair of rolled eyes. Silentmelody was getting tired of cats asking questions. Just like when I was a kit. She thought.

"You aren't going to believe this but..." Before finishing his sentence, Wolfheart stared deep into Silentmelody's odd-eyes.

"These are our kits." He smiled, looking down at the squirming bundles. "You had kits."

Silentmelody's mind whirled violently. She was now a mother, a queen. No more warrior duties, no more hunting and fighting for her Clan. She was trapped in the nursery. She still had to wait six moons--or how many moons she can remember--to get out. Her name will be spoken with a different meaning. Silentmelody, the brave mute warrior that risked her life for her Clan, now Silentmelody, a caring and kind queen with three kits, mates with Wolfheart...

Wolfheart. They...they were now mates. Who knew what happened then, and before.

Silentmelody didn't notice Wolfheart leave the nursery to leave her alone. She was still stuck in her memories.

"...I shall forever be forgotten..."

"You smell different." A voice sounded. The new queen looked up and found that it was her friend, Echowave. Inside, Silentmelody smiled as she spotted that her stomach, too, was getting full and round.

"Like, a scent from long ago. It's a pleasant smell,'s not you." Echowave went on, and closed her eyes.

Silentmelody didn't know what she was talking about. I smell different?

"It's probably the new scent of the kits." She prodicted. Echowave slightly shook her head, but gave a smile to her friend. "Speaking of kits," she said, "you still haven't named them yet!"

"But exactly how old are they?" Silentmelody asked, wrinkling her nose at the weird question. What kind of mother am I if I don't even know how old they are?

"A moon and a half old." Echowave answered. She face grew excited, and she jumped up, tail held high. "I'm gonna go get Wolfheart so you can name them!"

"Not now," Silentmelody longed to say, but the blue-grey she-cat was already zooming away across camp. The young queen was completely exhasted. She stifled a yawn, and layed her head down to wait.

"I'm coming for you, Half Moon..."

"Silentmelody!" Wolfheart called, and skidded to a halt near his mate. "Echowave told me that you wanted to name the kits now."

Silentmelody slowly nodded in responce. "Sure," she said, and looked down at them.

Wolfheart grinned as he looked at the white dappled she-kit. "When I look at her I always think of Phantomkit." He whispered.

"Phantomkit it is then!" Echowave exclaimed loud enough for the whole forest to hear. Found out she was spying over Wolfheart's shoulder. The large tom rolled his eyes and growled. "Echowave! Please leave. Soon you'll name your own kits." Echowave shurgged and padded away happily.

Silentmelody looked down and smiled, slightly laughing. She still couldn't believe these were her kits. Hers. Forever.

The largest one yowled quietly, his small but sharp teeth showing from his mini lips. He quickly turned over, the golden flash-like marks on his sides looked like lightning or shooting stars.

"This one'll definitely be Laserkit." Wolfheart laughed, his paw hovering over Laserkit, who spread his tiny claws.

But the grey one didn't make a sound. His heart was still beating, and blood still pumping, so he was fine. Just tired. The little tom reminded Silentmelody of something. Something from ages ago. Many of moons. 

"Something happy happens when a star us born. Life, love, joy."

"Jaykit. This one will be Jaykit." Silentmelody said proudly.

"Phantomkit, Laserkit, and Jaykit. Wonderful names." Wolfheart pressed his muzzle against Silentmelody's.

"You will forever be in my heart..."

😆 I was just doing this thing, where I make Siri speak the warrior names 😆😆 I challenge you to do it too! It's so funny.

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