Chapter 26

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Wolfheart's eyes were wide with shock. Had he just hear Silentmelody speak? He must've been going crazy and hearing things with all these troubles arousing. Everything seemed to stop, the battle cries and the blood running from harsh blows, and even the wind quieted down.

"Did you just...?" He started, but didn't finish.

"I just..." Silentmelody looked from her paws to Wolfheart's surprised eyes. Jaw hanging open, not knowing what to do, or say, Silentmelody rushed past the brambles and headed towards the medicine den, ignoring all her wounds.

Everything has changed. Everything. Her voice...was beautiful, like a the last sunrays in the sunset under the horizon, and like a calming song that was lost into a dark, motionless void. Silentmelody was completely scared. No sudden changes or--even miracles from StarClan, happened on any cat. StarClan sent a sign to the Clans. It just had to be a sign. Nothing like this happened before.

But in Silentmelody's heart, she knew that her voice summoned a terrible promise.

"Stormwhisker!" She called, a little shakily, still trying to get used to her voice. The misplacement in her neck hummed with pain as she spoke. But was it really a misplacement? Was it misplaced before?

"Who's that?" The blue-grey tom called back.

"Silentmelody. It's Silentmelody..." The curve on her tongue as she said her name felt different, but good.

"Great StarClan!" Stormwhisker pocked his head out of the mouth of the den. His kind, wraggled face grew happily with a crooked smile, showing his yellowed teeth. "Oh how I longed to finally see this day."

"WindClan, attack!" Rockstar yowled, and he rushed from the brambled into ThunderClan's camp. The silence broke into peices and the war raged on.

"What is the meaning of this?" Moonstar screeched, and jumped from the High Rock and pinned Rockstar down as she landed, her white paw dugg into Rockstar's black neck-fur, like a moon dissapearing under the blackness of the sky.

"ThunderClan's pride is too much for us! They think they're the greatest Clan. We've prepared this battle for many moons. The Gatherings of the pass made our anger worse. As my warrior rage against yours and cross your camp, you will finally start to loose your pride!" Rockstar exclaimed and planted his teeth into Moonstar's paw, and he stretched his back, making Moonstar topple over to the ground, switching possitions. He thrusted his neck to preform a long battle cry, blood whipping off from his teeth. Then, he surged his head down and sunk his teeth into Moonstar's neck, his jaw wrapping around her throat and closing in on her. Moonstar's icy blue eyes went plank white as she lost another life.

"ThunderClan, attack!" Wolfheart yelled.

Stormwhisker lost his attention to Silentmelody and turned his head back again to Bouncefire. "You're good to go," he said, and the silver and orange tom jumped up from his nest.

"C'mon, Silentmelody! Let's go kick some WindClan tails!" He exclaimed excitedly. The amber-colored warrior smiled and pounded after him, but as she did this, her wounds stung like a wasp's sting.

"You should stay in here, Silentmelody, it's for the best." Stormwhisker informed. But Silentmelody didn't want to be stuck in the medicine den, with the scent of sour herbs and sticky blood. She longed to help her Clan. But, as Stormwhisker had said, it was for the best. If she continued to fight, she might even die.

"Okay." She grumbled and she limped to the den. The distant sound of claws raking and teeth gashing frightened her. But the young warrior fell tiredly and plopped down in a nest with dried moss. But she didn't care. As soon as Stormwhisker fed her a poppy seed, she was tired enough to fall into deep, motionless sleep.

While the Silent One slept, she dreampt. Heavily. She dreampt of the ancient ThunderClan.

A black she-cat with dazzling green eyes glared from her hiding place as a grey tom looked across the lake. She hissed and sprung for the tom, and pinned him down on the wet shore, the water tugging softly at his grey fur. Now the Silent One could witness the grey tom's frightened blue eyes, looking straight up into the green ones of the black she-cat's.

"You need to know what it's like to have every cat in your Clan stare at you, whisper about you..." The black she-cat whispered, and clawed the tom's cheek. He grunted, then gasped, trying to say something but was held back by the claws of the she-cat. She quietly growled, and swiped her claws into the tom's neck, and fell tumbled over, deeper into the lake, motionless...pale blue eyes still open, retelling the horror story of his death.

"Now you'll never be able to tell anyone anything..." The she-cat growled, and swiftly pelted away, like a shadow whisping over the ground.

Suddenly, the she-cat ran away from camp, away from ThunderClan. A golden tabby tom and another  a grey striped tom pelted after her. The Silent One glared harder and noticed it was Jayfeather.

Rocks tumbled and crumbled, burrying the black she-cat under the tunnels. Jayfeather reached out to save her, but it was too late.

The last thing The Silent One saw was a soft orange and white starry pelt waft over the fallen black she-cat.

Silentmelody would never be quite sure what it was that awakened her or how long she had slept. But she was immediately alert. Something was not right. Fortunately, her wounds were healing fast, faster than it normally would. Stormwhisker would just say that she was battle-ready. Suddenly, surging energy warped inside her. She dashed outside.

"Silentmelody!" Sparklepaw excalimed. It was hard to hear against the surging wind and the fighting warriors.

"Didn't Stormwhisker tell you to stay in the den?" The apprentice asked, pounding up to her.

"Was it really that short?" Silentmelody asked.

"What was short?"

"It felt like hours..." The amber-colored warrior whispered as she turned away to her own thoughts.

Storm clouds huddled together, sinking heavily closr to the ground. Slight rain droplets sprinkled the sky, but just a heart-beat later about a thousand drops a second zoomed diagnally, splitting the sky into a million peices. It sounded like marbles rolling down a rough surface. Thunder boomed off into the distance.

The battle was coming to an end.

Silentmelody turned around and faced the other side of the medicine den. Lightning flashed and almost blinded her, then she blinked and the rain droplets shook from her eyelids.

Standing infront of her was a blue-grey she-cat with blazing orange paws. Her eyes amber. Her fur was scratched and torn, and neck surrounded with dired blood. A large scar across her eyes rolled down like lightning.

"Who are you?" Silentmelody asked.

"I didn't remember you talking before..." The mysterious she-cat replied. "You don't remember me?"

Silentmelody glared at the she-cat. Her fur was drenched and darker because of the rain. She hesitantly shook her head. "No...but who are you?"

The she-cat laughed, and winced at the same time.

"My name is Cinderfire."

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