Chapter 7

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Silentpaw awoke slowly, then jerked up with a surprise as Echopaw yipped infront of her. "C'mon," she said. "We're doing battle training for the big battle tomorrow, we're gonna fight ShadowClan for our territory again!" Silentpaw stood up to see Sunflame, Hawkfire, Mudpelt, and Metalclaw, all the mentors for the apprentices. Silentpaw rubbed her cheek on Sunflame's shoulder. "We all have to be prepared for tomarrow." he said.
The gleams of the sun-rays flashed brightly that morning, making the ThunderClan cats sweat and long for water. After a while of battle training, Silentpaw led all her Clanmates to the small river where they found Grunt. "Wow," Echopaw said, getting her fill. "Grunt lived in a very peaceful place." Silentpaw nodded in agreement, then followed the warriors back to camp.
"Okay, that was better, but still, we need to work on that move a little more." Sunflame suggested as Silentpaw finished her practice attack on him. The muted apprentice nodded, and came back into position. "Now, remember," Sunflame started. "You need to be very speedy and slick for this special move. So, you dive under your enemy's legs, because your small, only apprentices can do it, and I made it up when I was the same age as you. Anyway, you dive under the warrior's legs, and come back up when you reach it's hindquarters. You turn fast upward, and claw your opponent's back. Sorry to make it hard for you, Silentpaw." He added at the end, with a hint of amusement in is voice. Silentpaw hesitated, then ran under Sunflame's legs, turned up and rubbed his back with her paws from the other side, trying not to really claw him. Sunflame jumped up and smiled. "That was great!" He praised.
When they were practicing another battle move, Wolfheart's hunting patrol came back, well stocked up with prey--surprisingly, because of new territory, but the ThunderClan warriors are getting used to it. Silentpaw saw Hawkfire stretch out, curling her tail over her and yawn. "Let's take a break, shall we?" She said. "Let them eat first." Metalclaw murmured in agreement, and shooed Falconpaw away as he complimented him. "Falconpaw's doing great."
Mudpelt nodded beside him. "And so is Snakepaw, he's going to make a great warrior." Silentpaw walked away, as Hawkfire and Sunflame joined in. She turned around and bumped into Cinderfire. Oops, she thought, easily running away before catching trouble from the jealous she-cat. Cinderfire whipped around, hissed and dashed after Silentpaw, pinning her down to the ground. "Don't even think about being with Wolfheart, he's mine. And if I see you with him, then at the battle with ShadowClan, and turn around and kill you, saying that ShadowClan did, understand, you little brat?" She growled, letting go of the poor apprentice. It's not my fault he loves me. Silentpaw thought sadly, as she headed towards the fresh-kill pile.
After she sat down, Silentpaw saw Wolfheart walking to her, smiling. Silentpaw finished quickly, and dashed away from him, and back to the training area where the rest were waiting. Echopaw caught up with her, and frowned. "What's wrong, I thought you liked Wolfheart." She said, cocking her head. Silentpaw silently sighed. I do, Echopaw, its just Cinderfire is getting in the way, she'll even kill me! Silentpaw though worriedly, but Sunflame calmed her thoughts. "C'mon, Silentpaw," He said warmly. Silentpaw smiled, at Sunflame. She was so happy that he was her mentor. He always makes sure everything is all right, and calms her. When he talks, he's like StarClan's sent miracle, always smiling and loving. His bright golden fur reflects off of the sun and bounces into everybody's eyes. His strong muscles ripple through his pelt, like waves of a small stream. His amazing, dark yellow eyes burn into Silentpaw's, calming her through everything violent, and deathly. I'm surprised he doesn't have a mate, Silentpaw thought. Maybe, I can be his.......
"Goodness, dat dog wuz as mad as Twolegs, yep! An' I ran off like a storm, thundering through every ally way, and crashing into unwanted visitors. And dat made even more trouble for me, so I......." Silentpaw's thoughts kept her from Grunt's story. It was a little after sun-high, so Moonstar has to choose cats to go to the Gathering fast if they are going to be able to get there at all. All of ThunderClan is going to travel back to the other Clans with Moonstar, so they can be ready to attack ShadwoClan in the morning, but they can't let ShadowClan see them over night, so a couple of warriors are going to keep watch for the night. Silentpaw perked up as she heard Moonstar's graceful voice ring to call a Clan meeting.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey come gather near for a Clan meeting!" She yowled.
Silentpaw headed down near Moonstar, with all the other warriors behind her, and in front. She sat down comfortably, not noticing Wolfheart next to her. Her heart beat wildly out of her chest as she heard Cinderfire growl right behind her. Luckily, Stormwhisker sat down by the other side of her, his smile calming her a little. "Silentpaw, Snakepaw, Echopaw, Falconpaw, Wolfheart, Cinderfire, and Shadestripe will come to tonight's Gathering with me, and Winterheart." Moonstar said. Wow, Silentpaw thought. That's a lot of cats to the Gathering. More than normal. Oh, well, if that is what Moonstar wants, then so be it. "Don't forget," Moonstar added. "We will attack ShadowClan early tomorrow at dawn, five to six cats on each side of the border, then, we center them into their territory." The ThunderClan leader was interrupted by the loud cheers of cats. Moonstar just smiled, but flicked her tail roughly to silence them. "After the hunting patrol comes back, we will started heading towards home."
Silvermist, Thunderstrike, and Bouncefire; the hunting patrol, came in with delicious, juicy prey in their jaws. Silentpaw's belly grumbled, but didn't dare to eat before Orchidshine, Dragonflame, and Grunt, the elders. Once she knew that they were full fed, she headed down to eat. Just as she sat down, Wolfheart came bounding to her. "Hi, Silentpaw!" He exclaimed. "I just can't wait to go to my first Gathering as a warrior! And this'll be your first Gathering ever!" He reminded her. Oh, yeah.....this is my first Gathering! Silentpaw thought excitedly. She saw Cinderfire walk across from them, glaring at Silentpaw with cold, icy silver eyes. Silentpaw ignored her, instead, she snuggled up next to Wolfheart, as he licked her ear. I feel so safe with Wolfheart.......I wonder if we're truly meant to be.........
Moonstar led the way back to the forest, with all of ThunderClan behind her. Silentpaw also remembered that this is Moonstar's first Gathering as ThunderClan's new leader. She smiled, her fur itching with excitement. They were getting ever so closer to home.........
Moonstar stopped and turned around, calling the rest of the cats to stay here and make camp for the night. She also called watch guards, incase anything else happens when they were away. Silentpaw walked beside Echopaw. "I just can't wait!!!" She exclaimed, not noticing her mentor, Hawkfire shush her. On Silentpaws other side, was Wolfheart. Oh, fox-dung......Silentpaw thought, as she felt Cinderfire brush through her and Wolfheart. "You're so dead." She heard Cinderfire say quietly, so only she could hear. Trying to ignore the thought, Silentpaw ran ahead with Echopaw, scenting the familiar smell of home--their true home.

"ThunderClan is doing well, stocked up prey, and healthy warriors. We have some new warriors, and apprentices this moon. Wolfheart, Cinderfire, Shadestripe, Silentpaw, Echopaw, Snakepaw, and Falconpaw. I'm proud of my Clan, we're getting stronger every day." Moonstar called, glaring at Lightningstar. Silentpaw bounced up and down. How exciting this is, though I wonder how ShadowClan is doing.
Lightningstar looked shocked. Probably because ThunderClan was in the Gathering, even though ShadowClan charged them out of their own territory. "ShadowClan is surviving--"

"Surprisingly." Came a voice from WindClan. Hisses and growls from ShadowClan increased, but suddenly stopped by the sharp flick of Lightningstar's tail. "Let me finish! My Clan is wonderfully surviving with more prey and more territory, thanks to ThunderClan." Laughs and screeches arose from ShadowClan, but ThunderClan stood silent.
RiverClan's turn. Silentpaw thought. But RiverClan's deputy only stood forward. "Our leader isn't doing well, and didn't attend to the Gathering this moon. So I will be speaking RiverClan's news." Splashstream said. "Water is full of fish, becuase new-leaf has finally come. And we have new apprentices: Rainpaw, and Heatherpaw." Cheers came from RiverClan.
Last, but not least, WindClan. Silentpaw thought. As Splashstream took a step back, the WindClan leader, Rockstar, stepped forward. "WindClan is as fine as can be. And one of our queens, Kinkfoot, is finally kitting her three kits: Lostkit, Lakekit, and Eaglekit." Good for WindClan! Silentpaw thought enthusiastically. She looked beside her, and gasped as she saw Wolfheart next to her. Oh no! Cinderfire! She called.

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