Chapter 30

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Phantomkit, Laserkit, and Jaykit huddled closely together at Silentmelody's stomach. They wiggled and squirmed often, and they pushed against each other so much that one of them let out a small squeal at a time. Phantomkit's tail wisked this way and that, itching Silentmelody's nose, which was inhaling and exhaling normally in sleep. The queen squirmed and wrinkled her short snout, alerting the tiny kit, so her tail flicked away and was tucked underneath her fragile body.

Laserkit was stratching the ground with his slick claws. He made a small dent in the soft moss and nuzzled himself under. But at once he got uncomfortable and started scratching again, making Silentmelody flick her ears in warning of the sound. Laserkit yipped loudly. Softly growling, Silentmelody suddenly awoke, and slightly pushed the black kit closer to Phantomkit.

Jaykit was nestled quietly, his body neatly bordered by his mother's tail. Before laying his head to rest, he kindly licked Silentmelody's tail for comfort, and snuggled deeply with the soft fur. Jaykit's belly rose high and sunk in as he breathed, the first breathing of his new life. Silentmelody's tail fur swayed as the small wind of Jaykit's breath blowed out from his tiny nostrils.

Of all this, Silentmelody smiled. Phantomkit swirling tail, Laserkit's scratching claws, and Jaykit's kindhearted gentleness and loving. Out of all, Jaykit was most un-ordinary. He never yipped or squealed, not a sound came out of him. This troubled Silentmelody. Is he mute like I was? She thought. She pondered about all the worries and problems she experienced when she was young. So many questions, and rumors. Silentmelody longed and prayed to StarClan that Jaykit wouldn't witness what she had been through. These kits were a brand new life. Silentmelody felt her whole world suddenly change and deform all over again, but in a good way. Somehow, Silentmelody just knew, that her kits were special. Of course, every kit was special in different ways, but the young queen had examined how their life was going to be. Just like hers? Or not? Each time they breathed a soft whip of mist lifted off into the bright night. The fragrance took flight and stretched off far away. Cold blisters caught in the air as it rose higher, and soon, the very breath of Silentmelody's three kits could be touched by StarClan.

Hearing her prayers, the wise ancestors decided Jaykit's fate and and changed his destiny with his very own mist of a breath. New life.
The bright night was formed by the light moon and shimmering stars, that shone like sun rays. Past delicate leaves and swaying branches of tall trees, and wispering waters of rivers and the lake, and the indefinite hills and moors, and the mushy scent of thick bushes, the moonlight weaved it's way and shone into ThunderClan's nursery.

For the first time in many moons, Silentmelody dreampt. Not a nightmare, but a dream.

And on her way, she could feel the faint touch of mist.

She opened her eyes and looked up to see a beautiful scene of a nice clearing, the wind softly swaying the thin branches of trees that hovered above her, leaving a small sized space that let the moonlight spread through. The grass was green, and the soil felt good and moist under her paw pads, like a storm that had just passed. Dapples of gold and purple glistened in the night's light, resembling flowers of new-leaf. Everything seemed perfect.

As Silentmelody batted her eye-lids in a blink, she barely saw the reappearence of StarClan warriors. Her heart skipped a beat and discovered something that was linking with the warriors.

Cloudpaw. Silentmelody didn't know her much, but they were the best of friends. But not only friends, sisters. Once Silentmelody opened her eyes as a kit she saw tiny flecks of white, like powder. Those white flecks were stars, showing Cloudpaw's early death. But still, her black fur and white paws showed gladness, and her bright blue eyes sparkled with happiness and kindness.

Dawnstar. She was brave enough to fight, risking her life towards a large snake, Mouthclaw. She was wise and kind, her tortouiseshell dappled pelt swirled with the stars before Silentmelody's eyes. Her odd ones met Dawnstar's proud green pools of light.

Sunflame. Silentmelody's strong, kindhearted former mentor. He suffered pain within the horrible side affects of bloodcough, and it worsened through living in the dark lives of DeathClan. Despite being in StarClan's hatefulless skies, he was covered with scars and deep wounds. Silentmelody once remembered his strong additude, and his golden pelt shining in the sun.

Duskpaw. Stormwhisker's medicine cat apprentice. Her fur was dark ginger and her eyes were brown, full of splendor. She had the right purposes of a true medicine cat. Love, peace, caring, but concerning of things. She too had died of the horrible sickness of bloodcough, and suffered horribly--not only because of DeathClan--but her whole family has died when she was a kit, leaving her alone. But Stormwhisker was always there to protect her. But not this time.

Winterheart. Moonstar chose very wisely when she made her decision to apoint a deputy for ThunderClan. Winterheart was high in spirit, and proud for her Clan. She stayed strongly next to the warrior code, and showed no weakness of herself, nor ThunderClan. She died like a true warrior, and she will be remembered for always giving her Clan first.

Falconpaw. He died as an apprentice, bitten and infected by Mouthclaw's harsh poisonous bite. He was shy and mostly quiet, the exact opposite of his sister, Echowave. But he was smart and was glad to have a family that loved him.

And before Silentmelody could speak, she spotted yet another warrior appear before her.

Cinderfire. Smart, daring, adventerous and brave. She was most proud of her Clan, and always showing strong spirit of happiness. But she was most violent and bloodthirsty when anything gets in her way. A passing discription of her father, Blood, the creator of DeathClan, and bloodcough. She was banished from ThunderClan countless moons ago, but surprisingly, Cinderfire has returned, only to get killed by the WindClan leader. Silentmelody's horrible promise was fulfilled as the strong warrior took her last breath.

"We know you have suffered through the past experience you had before we put you to healthy sleep." Dawnstar spoke up, raising her head high.

Silentmelody cocked her head in question. "The only thing I remember is bonking my head on a tree. I wouldn't specifically say, 'suffered', but okay."

Winterheart stepped up closer to the young queen. "That's not true, Silentmelody. You remember more than that." The other StarClan cats nodded in agreement.

She slightly shook her head as she looked down at her paws. C'mon...wake up already.

"Try to remember Silentmelody." Cloudpaw whispered, her exression was worrying. The amber colored queen wrinkled her flared nose.

"I can't!" She suddenly exclaimed, stamping her paw hard on the ground. The StarClan warriors were quite surprised. She drew herself back quietly, looking down once more. "I don't know what you're talking about." She murmured in her breath.

Cloudpaw looked about the StarClan cats. They all nodded.

The next thing Silentmelody took notice of was all the StarClan cats gathering around her in a circle. Stars surrounded the queen, who was standing up, her fur bristling with fright.

The stars became brighter, and finally forged their way into the Silent One. Her mind burst violently with memories. Her apprenticeship. Her dreams. Her scent. The scent.

The scent of Jayfeather.

Silentmelody remembered. Throughout her dreams she had went through life, death, joy, horror. A brand new lifetime that no other cat ever experienced.

Silentmelody's Dream was coming to life.

Amidst the swirling stars, Cloudpaw broke the circulation. All the StarClan warriors were gone. Mist returned in their place. Silentmelody's heart lept out of her chest.

"Once a cat fades from StarClan, they aren't gone forever. They're just born again." Cloudpaw spoke, cool light beams exploded out of the air.

Silentmelody felt the warm sun heat up her fur. Cloudpaw was disappearing.

"And guess who Jayfeather is born into." She said, her black fur whisping white.

Silentmelody felt herself wake up as she heard her beloved sister's last words.


The End

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