Chapter 28

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Warning: After the 2nd time lapse it gets emotional...just warning

As Silentmelody was sleeping, the usual morning birds' song awoke her. The peaceful petal-dipped aroma
wafted into the early dawn's air. The milky sky gave calming promises to a new, beautiful day.

The amber-colored warrior stifled a wide yawn, and curled her tail over her back in a stretch. She could already tell by the sweet scent of dawn that today was going to be a wonderful day. A day StarClan would remember.

Silentmelody wandered outside, and collected a puzzled expression. The fresh-kill pile was full, the moss was fresh, and no harsh wounds stuck with dry blood could be scented. Every ThunderClan cat was staring at her, like her ears were on fire.

Silvermist was the first to break the silence. "So is it true that you can speak now?"

Oh, Silentmelody thought, and growled under her breath. It's because of my voice. "Yes." She answered shortly.

"Every cat old enough to catch their own prey, come gather about the High Rock for a Clan meeting!" Moonstar called, somewhat sleepily. Once she opened her eyes, she twitched her whiskers. "And apparently, that's already done. Good." The ThunderClan leader was in a normal mood, but it was stiff with the loss of another life.

"Strange things occurred during the time of the battle two nights ago."

Two nights ago? How long have I slept? Silentmelody wondered. No wonder things seemed like there was no battle before.

"From her long cast-away, Cinderfire, a punished warrior, had returned from the anceint Moonstone. She once again risked her life in protection of the Clan, and is resting with our ancestors now."

Bouncefire and Applewhisker, Cinderfire's parents, looked at their paws, their minds clouded with lost memories of their daughter.
After a moment of silence, Moonstar again dipped her head in respect, and smiled warmly, and took a glance at Silentmelody.

"Silentmelody step forward." She ordered.

What is this? The young warrior thought with concern, hesitating to obey the black she-cat's command. Is this some sort of special ceremony telling StarClan that I can officially speak or something? Because that would be mouse-brained.

Getting rid of the thought, the amber colored she-cat pawed closer to Moonstar, and tightly packed her tail over her front paws.

"Silentmelody, StarClan's curse upon you is now perished, and now you are blessed with their mercy. Now you have a beautifuk voice anyone can remember. Because of this, you shall have a new name."

Silentmelody sat their, not saying a word.

"Silentmelody, from now on, you shall be called Duskfire, in honor of your unique pelt."




"NO!" Duskfire exclaimed, before the third cheer can even be a thought. The Clan stood there, a ice-cold hush rested upon them. Duskfire locked eyes with Wolfheart, his expression concerned. She turned towards Moonstar.

"I will not be called Duskfire." The she-cat ordered, flicking her tail. "I am still Silentmelody."

"But you are not silent anymore," Moonstar protested, jaw hanging open. Not ever has she been so embarassed in her life.

"I know that, Moonstar. But all my life I had. My name tells me of my past. I can tell stories of my life whenever I'm a queen,"--She glanced at Wolfheart--"or an elder."--she smiled at Grunt. "Silentmelody still contains a wonderful past, for I do not want to forget it. Not Dawnstar, not Cloudpaw, not Sunflame, not Winterheart, or Falconpaw, nor Duskpaw..."She caught Stormwhisker's eye. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, finishing her sentence, "Not even Cinderfire."

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